A very simple and extensible Python based ExpenseManager Utility Tool.
Works on Python3.5 (follows 3.x syntax) and uses SQlite to store your expenses.
Working examples :
1. Show Usage
jd@jaypc:~/em/bin$ ./exec
Welcome to expense manager app by TheInnovators Community!
em.py adduser <username> <email-id>
em.py expense <from> <amount> <to> [<comment>]
em.py listallusers
em.py allexpenseto <uname>
em.py allexpensefrom <uname>
em.py allexpense <uname>
em.py summary <uname>
em.py split <cs users> <amount> <to> [<cmt>]
em.py group <cs users> <amount> <to> [<cmt>]
em.py mailsummary <uname>
Start using it.
2. Mailing Expense Details
line# 145 : self.mail_sender('<mailidhere@gmail.com>', #set you mail ID here
line# 154 : smtpObj.login(sender, '<passwordhere>') #set your password
Once you set your mail ID credentials and you set mail ID appropriately while adding new users, you'll be able to alert the end users via EMAILs as well.