some notes learning nvim
install nvim and install nvchad (
Open nvim and command mode enter :tutor
- once you learn touch typing, you'll really appreciate hjkl keys for moving the cursor.
for appending the text,x
for deleting the current char under cursordw
to delete the word andd$
to delete till the end of the sentencee
jumps word by word keeping the cursor at the end of the word,w
keeping the cursor at the beg of the word.0
moves to the beg of the line.$
is end of the line.dd
deletes whole line4dd
deletes 4 lines.u
undo a single command,U
restore a line to original state | <ctrl+r> to redo OR:redo
- you can go into visual mode, select the text and then press
to copy to systems clipboard.
mason is the package manger for nvim.
and search for your language server of interest.
nvim has easy ability via Mason to install different LSP.
Mason provides easy installs for
- LSP (Language server protocol)
- DAP (debug adapter)
- Linter
- Formatter
NVimTree plugin is used for enabling the side pane file explorer. Shortcut - ctrl+n