C# programe to store Name, First Name, Depense in a object table. Resizable windows in WPF.
![alt tag](https://puu.sh/zukJx/23bdf8a9b8.png) ![alt tag](https://puu.sh/zulHY/d0885cf975.png)
- Sort a list in acendent or decendant
- Load data from txt (separate with space)
- Load/save data from json table of object
- Resizable Window in WPF
- Edit data Json content from app and save
- Add element in list
- Delete element in list
- Can reload ListBox
- Flat designe Window with simple custom style
- In French Language
- Custom Window Whit Minimise, Quit and Settings Button
- Custom Icon in task bar
- Change ListBox to a interface like a table to separe the data