The tool templates the Helm package (.tgz or untarred folder) identifies all images in use and visualizes tree structure of the Chart.
git clone
cd helm-decomposer
go build .
- Download any Helm Chart. You will reference it later on.
- Run as
./helm-decomposer -chart mychart.tgz -o
❯ ./helm-decomposer -h
Usage of ./helm-decomposer:
-chart string
Helm Chart to process. Submit .tgz or folder name. (default "sample-helm-charts/nginx")
-ij Write image list to images.json. (default "false")
-iy Write image list to images.yaml. (default "false")
-o Write Helm Chart tree to (default "false")
- Processed Helm Chart must have all variables properly set to allow helm-decomposer properly template the whole Helm Chart and Subcharts.
- Edge case appears when Helm chart uses dependency aliases combined with subchart parametrized on parent level only.