2D browser board game, with Java-backend. Catch the gold items, while running from the snakes (yellow) and police (blue).
- Java 21
- Spring Boot
- WebSockets
- JQuery & HTML
Prerequisites: installed applications:
- Java JDK 11 or up (tested with 15, 17, 21)
- Maven 3
Start application Java back-end by:
- Compiling it firstly, by executing:
mvn package
- Starting it by executing:
java -jar target/animal-game-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Start application in front-end by:
- Open the following URL in your browser:
You can control your own animal (purple color) by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. If you hit a gold item, you get rewarded with 1 point.
I am a Java Developer. I just created this game for fun and for experimenting with Websockets. Feel free to play or use it.
See LICENSE.md file