Fast start for a Clojure + Pedestal + Vase + Fern project
Fork this to your project, then fire up a Codespace to get started.
You'll probably want to change "dawn" to your project's name. Be sure to make
the same change in deps.edn
, shadow-cljs.edn
and the various folder names.
These instructions are for a codespace using VS Code (either in a browser or running locally with a remote connection).
To get a Clojure REPL:
- Configure your .m2/settings.xml for access to download Datomic. (See below for instructions.)
- Click the nREPL badge in the status bar
- Select the "jack in" option
- For project type, select "Clojure CLI"
- Use the
To get a CLJS REPL:
- Click the nREPL badge in the status bar.
- Select the "jack in" option
- For project type, select "shadow-cljs"
- Use
for the build to start
Shadow-cljs will run an HTTP server at http://localhost:8020. To access this port, select the "Remote Explorer" tool from the left-hand navigation in your VS Code window. Under "Codespace Details" you will see "Forwarded Ports". Click "Port: 8020" to open a new tab connected to the shadow-cljs server.
To change this port number, modify forwardPorts
and the value at [:builds :app :dev-tools]
in shadow-cljs.edn
. After making this change, you must commit it, push it to
your fork of Dawn, and start a new codespace.
- :dev - Start a friendly REPL
- :test - Run all tests
- :app - Build the main application,
Vase depends on Datomic. You will need to set up ~/.clojure/deps.edn
and ~/.m2/settings.xml
to the instructions at in order to
fetch the Datomic Pro jar file from
Codespaces users will want to look at setting up personal dotfiles to make that easier.
If you do not want to use Datomic, remove both com.cognitect/vase
from deps.edn.