Release version 1.2.0
- Tagged playlist in playlist file
- YouTube link as audio source in playlist file
- Window
application binary file
- Handle errors on not finding a Youtube video for the given names of the playlist
- Use a search function of a Python library
- Add a selection menu when downloading music from Youtube (with video name, channel name, video duration, views count, release date)
- Jump forward or backward in the current audio timeline
- Import automatically the playlist from configuration on application start
- Sanitize the audio's name with keywords and wildcard of filepath (like '/', '', or '*')
- Create playlist dynamically based on tag(s) present on each audio name (line)
- Check remaining disk usage when downloading audios
- Use directly a YouTube link if presents in the audio name (line)
- Parse author part of the audio line in plain text file
- Update audio download library to pytube-fix
- Setup test setup and tear down with cached audio files
- Create a script to build a Windows executable file
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0