As a solo ML engineer, I'm building an app that understands speech with dysarthria, aphasia or apraxia:
Right now I'm throwing my savings into that and doing the research to make it work. Basically, now there are only very pricy solutions ($1300 a year) or free solutions that are bad at understanding non-standard speech. Lots of open research have happened in machine learning and artificial intelligence last months/years, which enable me to create such tool only by myself + some compute credits I have accumulated on Lightning AI by doing free work for them some time ago. If you know anyone with speech difficulties you can let them know if they need speech recognition tool. It will listen to you and show a transcription on a screen
Click here to sign up the waitlist](
If you know a:
- person with speech disease
- caregiver
- speech therapist
and you think they could benefit from such tool, you can consider sharing the link to the waitlist