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JSContact Tests

This is a test suite for JSContact and vCard conversion as outlined in draft-ietf-calext-jscontact-vcard.


Install Python 3 and pip

Install Python 3. Then install Pip. Most likely your system already has installed both. Otherwise it should provide packages.

The tests run on Python 3.11.4 or later. Maybe they'll run on earlier versions, too.

Get the test sources

Fetch the latest sources from Change into the jscontact-tests directory.

Create a Python virtual environment

Rather than installing system-wide Python dependencies, we'll set up a virtual environment:

$ python -m venv venv

then activate this environment in your shell

$ source venv/bin/activate

Install project dependencies

Now that the virtual environment is set up, install the project dependencies using pip:

(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


Call the test runner with -h or --help for all available command line options.

(venv) $ python --help

Choose and configure a backend

Choose the backend to run tests against using either the '-b' (or '--backend') argument, or alternatively setting its value in the JSCONTACT_TESTS_BACKEND environment variable. The backend config value is backend-specific.

The following backend config is using the Cyrus backend, authenticating JMAP requests as user cassandane and password secret. The JMAP server is assumed to listen on host localhost and port 9101:


The following backend config is using the CNR backend that listens at URL http://localhost:8080/convert:


Run tests

Run the test suite (assuming you configured the backend in the environment variable JSCONTACT_TESTS_BACKEND):

(venv) $ python

This will give a short summary on the command line. The actual test results are in file report.html.

If you only want to run a single or multiple tests, give their names as arguments on the command line like

(venv) $ python mytest1 mytest2

The return code either is EX_OK (0) if all tests passed, -1 if any test failed, or EX_USAGE for invalid arguments.

Testing other backends

Testing other backends can be accomplished either by adding a new backend implementation to or by providing a network service that implements the API of one of the already implemented APIs.

The simplest is to emulate the CNR backend by meeting the following requirements:

  • Your network service must listen on a HTTP or HTTPS URL and accept POST requests at that location
  • For JSContact to vCard conversion, the POST request contains a Content-Type header of value application/jscontact+json, and the JSContact Card in the body.
  • For vCard to JSContact conversion, the POST request contains a Content-Type header of value text/vcard;charset=utf8, and the vCard in the body.
  • On successful conversion, the HTTP response must have status 200 and the Content-Type header value be set to application/jscontact+json or text/vcard;charset=utf8, respectively.
  • For invalid input, such as for invalid properties, the HTTP response must have status 422. The body may contain debugging information.
  • If the HTTP request Content-Type header is missing or does not match the expected values, the HTTP response must have status 415.
  • Otherwise the HTTP response may have any status and is handled as an unexpected error.


A test suite for JSContact/vCard conversion







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