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Swift on Android - Sample1

This sample is using swift-android-gradle and java_swift to create a brigde between Swift <-> Java wrapping JNI.

In this sample I created a Native Android Activity with its Layout and then created a listener to call the swift funcion sum() and implemented an Interface Response to receive the response from Swift to Java.




Configure swift-android-gradle on macOS

This tool adds some gradle scripts on the build life cycle to generate Swift code and copy the binaries *.so on jniLibs folder.

  • Download the Swift Android Toolchain.

  • Decompress the *.tgz and change directory to the swift-install folder.

  • Export the ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME paths.

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/jmarkstar/Library/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_151.jdk/Contents/Home
  • Execute ./setup

Create and Configure an Android Project

Add the bindings Java <-> Swift

Implement the bindings on your Activity

Add swift and Swift package Manager files.

Run The Project to Generate the swift stuffs.

Implement the logic on Swift

Run and Buhala!