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Using packer.nvim


Using vim-plug

Plug 'jmattaa/quickmark.nvim'

Using lazy.nvim

--- in init.lua:

--- in plugins/quickmark.lua:
return {


Use quickmark by typing :Quickmark list<cr> or by using the default keybinding <leader>qq this will create a floating window and show all your quickmarks.

The quickmarks are not saved by default, you can save your quickmars for the project by using the default keybinding <leader>qs or by typing the command :Quickmarks save<cr>. This creates a file called .quickmarks in the directory you ran the nvim command in.

To configure

This is the default configuration. If you dont want to change it there is no need to write the configuration

        messages = false, -- if quickmark should print what has been done such as save or add
        autosave = true, -- if quickmarks should be autosaved to `.quickmarks` if they are changed
        key_mappings = {
            list = '<leader>qq', -- open window with quickmarks
            add = '<leader>qa', -- add current open file to quickmarks
            remove = '<leader>qr', -- remove current open file from quickmarks
            remove_all = '<leader>qR', -- empty quickmarks
            save = '<leader>qs', -- save quickmarks
            shortcut = '<leader>qn', -- add a new shortcut
            open_shortcut = '<leader>qo', -- open shortcut

You can call the setup function without parameters if you want the default keybindings. The setup function must be called to initialize quickmark if you are not calling it in for example the config option of lazy.nvim the plugin will not initalize and it will be unusable. :(

For more run the :help quickmark.usage command

Default Mappings

Keystrokes in quickmarks window

The default keys you can use to navigate and handle the quickmaps window

Key Action
q or Escape Close the quickmark window
j Move the cursor one line down
k Move the cursor one line up
gg Move the cursor to the first line
G Move the cursor to the last line
Enter Open the selected file
r Remove the selected file from quickmarks


A shortcut in Quickmark is a quick way to give the quickmarks a binding to quickly access it. To give a file a shortcut you can run :Quickmark shortcut '<shortcut>' where <shortcut> is the key you want to accociate the file with. The default binding for creating a shortcut is <leader>qn<shortcut>. Where <shortcut> is the key for the file.

To quickly move to the created shortcut use <leader>qo<shortcut>.


For more help you can find the full documentation in the quickmark docs by running :help quickmark



Quickly mark and switch between files







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