This code uses Twitter's REST and STREAMING API's to return a CSV of tweets for given criteria.
- TwitterAPI :
pip install TwitterAPI
in Shell - Tweepy:
pip install tweepy
in Shell
####1. Clone the repository
git clone
####2. Input Your Twitter Authentication
####3. Run Either (A) REST API or (B) STREAMING API
Using the Shell: git clone
You will first need to setup an "application" from Twitter to generate your oAuth keys. Once you go through this process, you will end up with four key pieces of information:
- consumer_key
- consumer_secret
- access_token_key
- access_token_secret
Create a "" file following the format of
consumer_key = "yoursecretconsumerkey"
consumer_secret = "yoursupersecret_consumer_secret"
access_token_key = "your_access_token_key"
access_token_secret = "your_access_token_secret"
To run the script, open terminal and type a query:
#One Hashtag
python '#Obama'
#Two or More Hashtags
python '#Obama' '#Hilary'
python '#OccupyWallStreet' '#OWS'
For each hashtag, the script will search Twitter using the RestAPI, and return a .csv of the most recent tweets. The CSV will include the following information: DATE, TIME, COUNT, HASHTAG, and TWEET.
NOTE: The above examples will return all available tweets (going back a week)
Some hashtags include hundreds of thousands of tweets, and this will take considerable time
#One Hashtag
python '#Obama' --limit 100
#Two or More Hashtags
python '#Obama' '#Hilary' --limit 100
python '#OccupyWallStreet' '#OWS' --limit 100
This script will initialize Twitter's STREAMING API using Tweepy.
#One Keyword
python "Hillary"
#Two or More Keywords
python "#ImWithHer" "#Hillary"
Once executed, this script will run until the users haults the script. To exit the script use your keyboard to interupt using Control