This is a simple Restful API to perform actions on thermostats. Other sensors/devices may be added later.
Route | Method | Description |
/api/thermostats | GET | Get all thermostats |
/api/thermostats | POST | Create a thermostat |
/api/thermostats/uuid | GET | Get a specific thermostat |
/api/thermostats/uuid | PUT | Update a specific thermostat |
/api/thermostats/uuid | DELETE | Delete a specific thermostat |
Currently, if you run node server.js locally, you can test a couple of ways. Bear in mind you will need to have a mongo instance running.
1 Use curl. To test creating a thermostat, use the following curl to create a dummy thermostat: curl -X POST -d '{"version":1,"temperature":32,"humidity":61,"occupancy":true,"uuid":"1234567890987654321","nearby-devices":[{"uuid":"1234","rssi":"0987"}]}' "localhost:8080/api/thermostats"
....To GET the specific thermostat you just created locally, run this curl: curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/thermostats/1234567890987654321
2 Use the Postman Google Chrome API testing tool. More instructions on that to follow.