This serverless application creates the necessary resources and integrations for properly enabling and processing CloudTrail logs in your environment. The below architecture showcases how logs are stored, post-processed, and pushed to Elasticsearch.
Below are the necessary prerequisites:
If you have trouble installing any of the prerequisites or dependencies, you can spin up an AWS Cloud9 environment, which is a cloud-based IDE that comes prepackaged with a number of essential packages. After which you can run the following command to install the Serverless Framework.
npm install -g serverless
Clone the repo and open up environment/dev.yml and add in the appropiate variables.
You can add new files for different environments.
Since the Lambda Function parses through every CloudTrail event, you can enrich the event by adding additional information to complement data points and add context. This can either be static data hardcoded in the Lambda function or it can be dynamically pulled from a DynamoDB table or 3rd party threat intelligence.
Open, find the section of code below, and add additional metadata as necessary:
############# Add additional metadata to event #############
# Example: Add AWS Account type
i["accountType"] = "Production"
Ensure you are in the aws-ct-processing directory and run the following to install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./
To deploy the serverless application, run the following command:
sls deploy -s dev -r us-west-2
If you've created different environment files that reference other aws profiles or you want to deploy to different regions, you can replace dev and us-west-2 as necessary.
After to the application has been successfully deployed you can view the logs in Kibana by doing the following:
- Go to the AWS Elasticsearch console.
- Click on the Domain that starts with sls-aws-ct-processing.
- Click the link next to Kibana.
Once you are in Kibana:
- Click Management in the left Navigation.
- Click Index Patterns
- For Step 1 (Define index pattern) type logs-*.
- For Step 2 (Configure Settings) select @timestamp.
- Click Create Index Pattern.
- On the left navigation, click Discover to view your events.
Below are the steps to cleanup this application:
Manually delete the S3 bucket you specificed in the dev.yml file.
You have to manually delete this bucket because there is now data in the bucket and as a protection mechanism CloudFormation will not delete buckets it created if data exists in that bucket.
Run the below command to delete the serverless application
sls remove -s dev -r us-west-2