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LAMW: Lazarus Android Module Wizard: Form Designer and Components development model!

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LAMW: Lazarus Android Module Wizard

RAD Android! Form Designer and Components Development Model!
  • LAMW is a wizard to create JNI Android loadable module (.so) and Android Apk using Lazarus/Free Pascal.


  • Native Android GUI
    • AppCompat and Material Design supported!
  • RAD! Form designer and drag&drop component development model!
    • More than 150 components!

1. Get Lazarus for Android

  • Option a) Laz4Android 2.2.2 (Windows)

    • All cross-android compilers already installed!
      • arm-android/aarch64-android/i386-android/x86_64-android/jvm-android
      • hint: Install here: "C:\laz4android2.2.2" (not "Program Files" !!!)
    • How to:
      • Install Laz4Android2.2.2
      • Install LAMW
        • Download LAMW and unzip it in some folder
          • recommended folder: "C:\laz4android2.2.2\components"
        • Packages installations order/sequence:
          • tfpandroidbridge_pack.lpk (in "..../android_bridges" folder)
          • lazandroidwizardpack.lpk (in ""..../android_wizard" folder)
          • amw_ide_tools.lpk (in "..../ide_tools" folder)
      • Go to "2. Infrastructure Setup".
  • Option b) LAMW Manager

  • Option c) Fpcupdeluxe (Linux and Windows)

  • Option d) How to: Do It Yourself!

    • d.1) Get Lazarus2.x.y
    • d.2) Install LAMW
      • Download LAMW and unzip it in some folder
        • recommended folder "C:\lazarus2.x.y\components"
      • Packages installations order/sequence:
        • tfpandroidbridge_pack.lpk (in "..../android_bridges" folder)
        • lazandroidwizardpack.lpk (in ""..../android_wizard" folder)
        • amw_ide_tools.lpk (in "..../ide_tools" folder)
    • d.3) Get FPC source code (trunk):
      • Unzip it in some folder and point up the source path in step "d.4"
    • d.4) Go to Lazarus menu "Tools" --> "[LAMW] Android Module Wizard" --> "Build FPC Cross Android" and repeat the "Build and install" process once for each architecture.
      • (x) Armv7a + Soft (android 32 bits <<-- tested!)

        • Build
        • Install
      • (x) Aarch64 (android 64 bits <<-- tested!)

        • Build
        • Install
      • hint: After "build" and "install" the cross-compilers and after to do all "2. Infrastructure" go to "3. Using LAMW" and try to create your first [New] LAMW project!

      • If you get an error "Fatal: Cannot find unit system used by fcllaz of package FCL." when trying "Run" --> "Build" your project then go to "fpc.cfg" (ex. "C:\lazarus2.x.y\fpc\3.2.2\bin") and:

        • change:
                  #searchpath for units and other system dependent things
        • to:
                 #searchpath for units and other system dependent things
        • and go to Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Environment"
          • "FPC Source"
            • change:
            • to:

2. Infrastructure Setup :: only for non-users of "LAMW Manager" !!

2.1 Get Java JDK and Gradle system Apk builder
  • recommended: Java JDK 21 + Gradle version >= 8.5
  • recommended: Java JDK 17 + Gradle version >= 8.1.1
  • deprecated: Java JDK 11 + Gradle version >= 6.7.1
  • minimalist alternative: Java JDK 1.8 + Gradle version <= 6.7
    • JDK 1.8 support the limited but light Ant system Apk build
2.2 Get Android SDK
  • recommended: supporting JDK 21 + Gradle version >= 8.5

  • how To:

    • unpacked command line tools ".zip" to a "temporary" folder
    • create a directory tree like: C:\android\sdkJ21\cmdline-tools\latest
    • Copy all content from "temporary" folder to exactly "...\sdkJ21\cmdline-tools\latest"
    • Open a terminal or cmd and go to "...\sdkJ21\cmdline-tools\latest\bin"
      • run the command >> sdkmanager "build-tools;34.0.0" "platforms;android-34" "platform-tools"
      • hint: you can get others android components by sdkmanager...
  • recommended: supporting JDK 17 + Gradle version >= 8.1.1

  • how To:

    • unpacked command line tools ".zip" to a "temporary" folder
    • create a directory tree like: C:\android\sdkJ17\cmdline-tools\latest
    • Copy all content from "temporary" folder to exactly "...\sdkJ17\cmdline-tools\latest"
    • Open a terminal or cmd and go to "...\sdkJ17\cmdline-tools\latest\bin"
      • run the command >> sdkmanager "build-tools;33.0.2" "platforms;android-34" "platform-tools"
      • hint: you can get others android components by sdkmanager...
  • deprecated: supporting JDK 11 + Gradle version >= 6.7.1

  • how To:

    • unpacked command line tools ".zip" to a "temporary" folder
    • create a directory tree like: C:\android\sdkJ11\cmdline-tools\latest
    • Copy all content from "temporary" folder to exactly "...\sdkJ11\cmdline-tools\latest"
    • Open a terminal or cmd and go to "...\sdkJ11\cmdline-tools\latest\bin"
      • run the command >> sdkmanager "build-tools;33.0.2" "platforms;android-33" "platform-tools"
      • hint: you can get others android components by sdkmanager...
  • minimalist alternative: supporting JDK 1.8 + limited but light Ant system Apk build + Gradle <= 6.7

  • how to:

    • unpacked/install the ".zip" file to a folder like "sdkJ1.8"
    • open a command line terminal or cmd and go to folder the "sdkJ1.8\tools"
    • run the command >>android update sdk //to open a GUI SDK Manager
      • go to Tools and keep as is
        • Android SDK Tools (installed)
        • (x) Android SDK Platform-Tools
        • (x) Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.3 (and others more recent)
      • go to Android R and uncheck all!
      • go to Android 10 API 29 uncheck all and check only
        • (x)SDK Platform
      • go to Extras and check:
        • (x)Android Support Repository
        • (x)Google USB Drive (Windows only...)
        • (x)Google Repository
        • (x)Google Play Services
      • Install 7 or up package!
    • IMPORTANT: on command line terminal or cmd go to folder "sdkJ1.8\tools\bin"
      • run the command >>sdkmanager --update
      • run the command >>sdkmanager "build-tools;30.0.2" "platforms;android-33"
    • IMPORTANT: build-tools = 30.0.3 is the maximum supported in this setup!
2.3 Get Android NDK
  • recommended version
2.4 Get Ant builder
  • Simply extract the zip file to a convenient location...
2.5 Get Gradle builder
  • recommended versions
    • Java JDK 21: Gradle 8.5 or up
    • Java JDK 17: Gradle 8.2.1 or up
    • Java JDK 11: Gradle 7.6.3 or up
    • Java JDK 1.8: Gradle 6.7 or down
      • Use the option "extract here" to produce the folder "gradle-x.y.z" in a convenient location...
      • warning: Gradle build process need internet connection!!!

3. Using LAMW

  • 3.1) Configure Paths:
    • Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" -> "[LAMW] Android Module Wizard" -> "Paths Settings ..."
      • hint: [MacOs >= 10.5] Path to Java JDK auto setting as: ${/usr/libexec/java_home}
  • 3.2) How to: Create and Run your first Android Apk!
    • 3.2.1) From Lazarus IDE select "Project" -> "New Project"
    • 3.2.2) From displayed dialog select "[LAMW] GUI Android Module" and "Ok"
    • 3.2.3) Fill the displayed form fields and "Ok" and "Save"
      • hint: "Path to Workspace" is your projects folder!
      • hint: Accept "default" options! (but pay attention to the * signage)
      • hint: search your project folder... you will find many treasures there! (look for lazarus project in ".../jni" folder)
    • 3.2.4) From Lazarus IDE select "Run" -> "Build"
      • Success! Your sistem is up to produce your first Android Apk!
    • 3.2.5) Configure you phone device to debug mode/developer options and plug it to the computer usb port
    • 3.2.6) From Lazarus IDE select "Run" -> "[LAMW] Build Apk and Run"
      • Congratulations! You are now an Android Developer!

4. Others References



LAMW: Lazarus Android Module Wizard: Form Designer and Components development model!






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