This is a collection of instructions for building 'Hypomodels' with Chaste for use in the Computational Horizons in Cancer - Chic project.
: source code directory, containing the simulation base class, cell and vessel simulations and ode models governing cell and vessel growth.test
: test directory, tests for the ode models and standalone simulations.test/data
input files for tests. clinical_image is an artifical vtk file with a binary mask of a tumour, it is the input for the cell component. vessel_standalone_image is a vtk file with cell populations. It is the input for the vessel standalone component.python-d6_2
: old python code for the 6_2 deliverableapps/src
: the main files for the binaries and the input file for the muscle co-execution.
First install Chaste. Do:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chaste.list
deb utopic/
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 422C4D99
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chaste-source
tar -jxf /usr/src/chaste-source.tar.bz2 Chaste
Next install Muscle2. Do:
git clone Muscle
mkdir Muscle-Build
cd Muscle/build
sudo ./ $WORK_DIR/Muscle-Build
Add Muscle 2 to the environment. Add:
source $WORK_DIR/Muscle-Build/etc/muscle.profile
export PATH=$WORK_DIR/Muscle-Build/bin/:$PATH
to ~/.bashrc
Clone this repo and link the contents with Chaste:
git clone Chic
cd $WORK_DIR/Chaste/projects
ln -s ../../Chic
Build the model executables:
mkdir Chaste_Build
cd Chaste_Build
cmake ../Chaste -DMUSCLE_DIR=$WORK_DIR
make project_Chic -j $NUM_CPUS
The exectuables will be built here:
cd $WORK_DIR/Chaste_Build/projects/Chic/apps/src
Open $WORK_DIR/Chic/apps/src/chic_cell_vessel.cxa.rb
and change lines 4 and 5 to reflect where your
input file ('input_file') is and where you would like your output files to
be placed ('output_file'). For example, you could use something like:
$env['input_file'] = '$WORK_DIR/Chic/apps/src/data/clinical_image_3d.vti'
$env['output_file'] = '$WORK_DIR/TestOutput/hypermodel_output_3d'
You will need to create the output file directory (if it does not already exist) before running the hypermodel.
You can then run an example hypermodel by doing:
muscle2 -mac chic_cell_vessel.cxa.rb
There are two ways to run the standalone models. The first is using the unit testing framework. Do:
cd $WORK_DIR/Chaste-Build
ctest -L project_Chic -j $NUM_CPUS
The cell standalone takes a vtk image data file with and array 'tumour' and values 1 in tumour regions and 0 in non-tumour regions. It takes grid size, spacing and origin via the muscel config file. It outputs vtk image data files containing arrays 'P
, Q
, A
, N
corresponding to cell populations at specified intervals.
The vessel standalone takes a vtk image data file with arrays P
, Q
, N
and outputs the original arrays, along with 'Nutrient'. It uses the vtk image data to define gird size, spacing and locaiton.
For the coupled versions both components read grid size, spacing and location from the muscle config file. The cell component passes vector doubles of P
, Q
, N
to the vessel component and receives the vector double Nutrient
. The vessel component does not have any written output in this case. Nutrient
is written out by the cell component.
The current development version of Muscle should be used while an old a GCC version as you are supporting should be used for the build. The Muscle library and usual GCC related libraries will still be dynamically linked.
tar -xvf boost_1_54_0.tar.gz
mv boost_1_54_0 Boost
rm boost_1_54_0.tar.gz
mkdir Boost-Install
cd Boost
./ --prefix=$WORK_DIR/Boost-Install --with-libraries=system,filesystem,serialization,program_options
./b2 install link=static
git clone git:// VTK
cd VTK
git checkout tags/v5.10.1
cd ..
mkdir VTK-Build
cd VTK-Build
ccmake ../VTK
Turn off shared libs and set to release build. Line below sets legacy GLX.
make install
mv petsc-3.7.5 PETSc
export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-opt
./config/ --download-f2cblaslapack --download-mpich --download-hdf5 --download-parmetis --download-metis --with-x=false --with-clanguage=cxx --with-gnu-compilers --with-debugging=0 --with-shared-libraries=0 --with-ssl=0 --with-pthread=0
mkdir Chaste_Build
cd Chaste_Build
ccmake ../Chaste -DMUSCLE_DIR=$WORK_DIR
point to static rather than system versions for Boost, VTK, PETSc. Turn on static Chaste build.
make project_Chic -j $NUM_CPUS
The binaries in $WORK_DIR/Chaste_Build/projects/Chic/apps/src
will now be statically linked, except for the Muscle library and the usual GCC related libraries.