at SESA in Fortaleza | Ceará | Brazil 🌻
I'm open to contributions and suggestions for improvements to the projects. Feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problems or to suggest new features.
2 pillars guide my life:
- Bom senso
- Sinceridade (sem ferir o outro).
- 🌍 I'm based in Fortaleza | Ceará | Brazil
- 📫 How to reach me:
- 🌱 I'm learning tech skills for Fullstack, from Backend to Frontend.
- 🤝 I'll do my best to collaborate on projects for beginners like me.
- 📁 My vercel:
- 💻 My freecodecamp:
- ⚡ My linkedin:
- 😄 Fun fact: I'm a fashion designer with a passion for solving problems.
The Dark side of the Contrabass
"Falar é fácil, me mostre o código.” (Linus Torvalds)