Arduino discharger for Li-Ion batteries with selectable stop voltage and fan speed.
Original Design and Code by Adam Welch
- http://AdamWelch.Uk
- YouTube Video:
Modified and extended features added by Jonathan Wells
- Able to discharge 4 18650 batteries simultaneously
- Setup menu when battery is inserted to select the target discharge voltage.
- Status LEDs for each battery (passively controlled by Mosfet gate signal)
- Status monitoring and data transmission through bluetooth
- Max current is at full charge and determined by the load resistors
- I’m using 10W 8ohm resistors, so my max current is 525mA. This decreases as the battery discharges
- Fan pin allows PWM switching a Mosfet to drive a small fan to cool the load resistors (heat sink highly recommended)
- Be sure to have a fly-back diode on the fan