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Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive.

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SAC Microsite

Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive.

The SAC microsite is hosted on Github Pages. The website is a "static site" built from data held in the master Access database.

A data manager can clone the site on their local PC, and follow the instructions in this readme file to update the site.

Dev and build container

The development environment for this solution is containerised. The current image can be pulled from AWS or built locally.


  • Docker
  • VS code Dev Containers plugin

Initialising the containerised dev environment

BEFORE you start visual studio code you need to log docker into aws in order to enable it to pull the image for the first time.

You only need to log in if:

  • its the first time starting this solution
  • if you want to use a newer image
  • if you are changing the dev or build container - see instructions further down

Run the following commands from a terminal within the SAC solution folder

# log docker into to the aws cicd account (set the cicd admin profile name below)
aws ecr --profile <cicd admin profile> get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

# start vs code
code .

To run the dev env in an environment built locally from the docker file:

  • comment out the line starting image
  • uncomment the codeblock for build that gives the relative path to the dockerfile

The continer can be built manually:

cd /deployment/docker-build-env
docker build -t jncc/sac_build_env .

To run the container manually:

docker run -u vscode -it -p 5000:5000 --rm -v <host path to /sac-microsite>:/sac-microsite jncc/sac_build_env

Ensure the dev container plugin is installed.

The container will be pulled from the AWS ECR container repo in the jncc-cicd account. Image details can be found in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json

This workspace should be mounted in /workspaces/sac-microsite by dev-container

Updating the build container

This should be performed with sac in a buildable state so the container can be tested.

From within /deployment/docker-build-env:

Buid the docker file to the buildenv target:

docker build --target buildenv -t jncc/sac_build_env .

Check it's functionality by building the sac env.

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 --rm -v <local sac microsite folder>:/sac-microsite jncc/sac_build_env
cd /sac-microsite/
dotnet build
# wait for successful build

Push the build image to the AWS repo

# log docker into to the aws cicd account
aws ecr --profile <cicd admin profile> get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

# tag the image built in the previous step for a push, iterate the version.
docker tag jncc/sac_build_env

# push the image to the repo
docker push

Updating the dev container

Follow the steps above to build and deploy the build container first.

From within /deployment/docker-build-env:

Buid the docker file:

docker build -t jncc/sac_dev_env .

# tag the image built in the previous step for a push, iterate the version.
docker tag jncc/sac_dev_env

# push the image to the repo
docker push

Edit .devcontainer/devcontainer.json in the solution

Locate the line beginning with "image" and change the tag on the end of the line to match the new version number.

Local development

Open a command terminal in the sac-microsite local respository folder.

Ensure you have the lastest commit of code from Github by using Github Desktop or git pull if you are comfortable with the Git command line. Then run

dotnet restore
dotnet build

Then open your text editor in the current directory. To open in VS Code, run

code .    <-- (note the full stop!)

To build the site from the JSON data files, run

dotnet run -- -g

To start a local web server, run

dotnet run -- -v

You can edit the templates as required in the views/ folder and re-run with

dotnet run -- -g -v

Data updates

If the data in the master Access database has changed, you need to requery the database.

This reads the master Access database and saves a JSON representation of the tables as .json files in the output/data/ folder. This is a cache, so that you rarely need to connect to the database. When the data changes, you can see the changes in Git.

  • Updating the data from the Access database will currently ONLY work on Windows.
  • You will also need to have an admin account, because unfortunately dotnet build requires admin.

The Windows PC will need Dotnet SDK/Runtime and Git installed; both are available as Windows MSI installers.

You will need the x64 Microsoft Access drivers from Choose AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe.

(If you already have a 32-bit install of Microsoft office you will need to run the install in passive mode, open an admin console (powershell or command prompt), navigate to the folder and run AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe /quiet)

Full list of steps to update the data:

git clone
cd sac-microsite
git checkout develop
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run -- -u "path/to/new/natura2000.mdb"
dotnet run -- -g -v     # rebuild the pages and run locally to check.
git commit -a -m "Updated data files"
git push

After which the updated files on the develop branch which will be automatically redeployed to the internal beta site at http://internal-beta/

Publishing to the live site

Merge the changes from the develop branch onto master:

    git checkout master
    git merge develop
    git push

Run the sac-microsite-deploy-to-live Jenkins job.

Jenkins pipeline

We have created an Jenkins pipeline deployment/jenkins/deploy-to-live-pipeline that just needs to be fed the correct variables, i.e.;

GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID = google tag manager ID - ie GTM-XXX00XX

More info about the elasticsearch ingestion process can be found at jncc/elasticsearch-lambda-ingester.

The Jenkins pipeline will run the following

dotnet run -- -g -s $AWS_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX

This creates a set of json search documents in output/search that can be pushed onto the queue to ingest into the central search ingester lambda function, it will also create the static pages in output/html (in the .gitignore) which can be combined with the other static elements in the docs folder which will then be pushed out onto the gh-pages branch (the live SAC microsite).

Manual Deployment to live

To manually deploy a new version we just need to run the following;

github clone
cd sac-microsite
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run -- -g -s $AWS_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX -cookiecontrol -t $GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID'
cd ..

This builds the new pages and the updated search documents as above, then we will need to run the following;

mkdir gh-pages
cd gh-pages 
git clone . --branch=gh-pages --depth 1
cp -r ../sac-microsite/output/html/* ./ 
git add --all
git commit -a -m "Manual Build YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" 
git push --force

This checks out the gh-pages branch merges the output from the current data files and commits it to the branch and becomes the new live site.

Search Index Update [Requires Python 3 and Virtualenv]

If you update the site manually you should also update the search index, a delete by query would need to be run on the search-index index (where that index is the elasticsearch index currently in use), this could be achieved in multiple ways, but the basic building block is to run an elasticsearch delete by query;

POST search-index/_delete_by_query
  "query": { 
    "match": {
      "site": "sac"

We have a basic helper scripts to carry out this function, located in deployment/search-documents. They require a python virtualenv and a set of requirements from requirements.txt. The two python commands should be run sequentially, the first deletes all contents of a given index / site combination and which sends all JSON documents matching a given GLOB pattern to the given SQS endpoint;

cd ./deployment/search-documents
virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -p "../../output/search/**/*.json" -q $AWS_SQS_QUEUE_HOST

Updates with an unpriviledged network account

You need to be an admin on your machine to use the dotnet tools to build the site. An executable is built and packaged by jenkins to get around this issue for unpriviledged users.

Checkout the SAC project from git. The folder containing the project is your root folder.

Download the latest JNCC.Microsite.SAC_{version}.zip file from the releases section in git and extract it to a suitable location outside of the sac project.

Update the data

Get a copy of the Natura database and run the executable JNCC.Microsite.SAC.exe from the extracted release zip file.

For example, given that:

  • sac root path = c:\development\sac-microsite
  • ASP natura database path = c:\development\ASP NATURA DATABASE.mdb
  • JNCC.Microsite.SAC.exe is in the curent folder

Run the following to update the data

JNCC.Microsite.SAC.exe -r c:\development\sac-microsite -u "c:\development\ASP NATURA DATABASE.mdb"

This process will update the json files in c:\development\sac-microsite\output\json

Update the website

The following instruciotns will update the web pages using the data extracted in the previous step.

JNCC.Microsite.SAC.exe -r c:\development\sac-microsite -g -v

The -v switch intitiates a web server once the pages have been generated. You can browse the site at http://localhost:5000/

Updating page templates

Updating pages and regenerating the site is more convoluted in an unprivaliged environment because the changes have to be incorporated into the executable.

Check out the solution and make the changes to the page templates in Views.

Commit the changes to the master branch. This will trigger jenkins to build a new executable and put it into the github releases folder.

Any build failures will be visible in the build server logs.

Download the new executable and follow the instructions for updating the data and updating the website.

Updating Images in /doc/images

If you need to update the images for the maps, make sure that you follow the existing naming convention exactly, if you need to regenerate thumbnails you can use the ImageMagick Mogrify tool to create them i.e.;

magick mogrify -resize 300x388 -quality 100 -path ./docs/mages/maps/features/uk/thumbnails ./docs/images/maps/features/uk/*.gif

You can then bulk rename them in Windows;

ren *.gif ?????_thumb.*
i.e. S1365.gif > S1365_thumb.gif


ren *.gif ????????_thumb.*
i.e. uk_S1365.gif > uk_S1365_thumb.gif

Or under linux using rename or something similar;

rename 's/\.gif$/_thumb\.gif/g' *.gif

Notification Panel

The site has a simple notification panel that is displayed above the menu. The contents of the panel is in Views/Shared/_Navbar.cshtml

The bar itself can be enabled by commenting it out in line 71 of Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml


Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive.






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