Simple calendar like Google calendar written in C#
- backend
- LiteDB (NoSql DB)
- Ensure.That
- Unity
- NUnit
- frontend
- AngularJs
- SharpGCalendar.Web – UI layer. The AngularJS web application.
- SharpGCalendar.Domain - Represents application’s domain model.
- SharpGCalendar.Repository - Executions DB operations (e.g create, update, delete, find).
- SharpGCalendar.Service - Services layer. The Business logic responsible for operating on entity.
- SharpGCalendar.Api - Provides REST for events management.
- SharpGCalendar.Tests - Unit tests with usage of NUnit framework.
- add support for storing events per user
- add support for different types of calendar
- add REST requests in the frontend side
- add UI for events creation (frontend side)
- Martin Fowler, Recurring Events for Calendars,