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internet-weblog Theme for Hugo

internet-weblog is a minimalistic (and a bit responsive) Hugo theme that offers a traditional blog mixed with a microblog and a photoblog. It also offers the ability to do simple link posts that link to a remote page. It was ported from a theme made for Octopress.

The theme features a customizable bio-section and flickr-based photo stream in it's footer, unique layouts for displaying all posts sorted by year, and support for partials to customize style and javascript loaded.

To see more, check out my blog which is rendered with this theme and see it's configuration on Github.

internet-weblog showing a Micropost.



Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:

$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone

For more information read the official setup guide for Hugo.

Getting Started

There are a few concepts this theme employs to make a personal blog. It's important to read this as you may not see what you expect upon launching. Since this theme is built to be a personal blog it opts for some simplifications like using the "Section Menu for the Lazy Blogger" option in Hugo for displaying a simple menu. It assumes you want to call your blog posts posts and organizes them as such. For example, creating a new post (or micropost, or photopost) with Hugo would require you typing:

  $ hugo new posts/

  $ hugo new microposts/

  $ hugo new photos/

It also assumes you want to display links to your sections of content (posts, microposts, photos) and display links to other pages in the menu and requires some setup on your part. This guide will take you through the steps to configure your blog to use the theme.

Configuring your Blog

Where should blog post markdown files be stored?

The theme works with other content types, but posts work best when grouped under posts. When using the posts (note that it is plural) content type you'll have a customized list page sorted by year and the default list page. Here's an example:

Custom List Page sorted by Year

Recommendation: Organize your blog posts under the posts directory.

How to configure the menu in the blog's navigation

As mentioned above, this theme takes a simplistic approach to menus. In fact, it doesn't really support custom menus opting to just use Hugo's main menu. Because it uses the "Section Menu for the Lazy Blogger" you'll need to make one change to your config.toml file. Add main as the SectionPagesMenu.

SectionPagesMenu = "main"

Because of this, your individual posts don't need to organize themselves into menu groupings. Everything is assumed to be grouped at the top level. One exception to this is if you want to add a custom page to the root of the menu. In this case you would want to add menu: main to your page's Front Matter.

You can control which menu items get an RSS icon and link by adding the RSSSections list to your Params section of your config.toml:

   RSSSections = [ "Posts", "Microposts", "Photos" ]

You can then control the name and weight of these menus in your config.toml by adding a section for each menu item you'd like to display:

   name = "Posts"
   weight = 1
   identifier = "posts"
   url = "/posts/"

If you aren't sure of how this should look, see how uses this in it's config.toml.

Recommendation: Add SectionPagesMenu to your config.toml file. Recommendation: Don't set a menu in your post's Front Matter unless you want it to display on the navigation. Recommendation: Customize the menus that get an RSS icon by adding the RSSSections parameter to your config.toml file. Recommendation: Configure the menu items by adding menu.main sections to your config.toml file.

Defining yourself as the Author

It looks like most themes use the author variable to add something simple like your name. This theme uses more structured data about you and requires an [author] section. The details of what is affected by each property is defined below in the variables section, but you should add this section to your config.toml:

   Handle = "<Your `handle`>"
   FirstName = "<Your First Name>"
   LastName = "<Your Last Name>"
   AboutPage = "<The relative or complete link to your about page>"
   Location = "<Your Location>"
   FlickrID = "<Your Flickr ID>"

Recommendation: Don't use the author variable, use the above [author] section in your config.toml.

Customizing the Bio Section, 404 page, javascript, or stylesheets

There are a few entry points for you to customize built in. The most important one is the bio.html partial. The contents of this file are displayed in the left side of the footer. To customize this, add a bio.html file in your site's directory under layouts/partials.

More details about each of these overrides are below in the overrides section.

Recommendation: Add a layouts/partials/bio.html file to your site that tells your readers about you.

Creating a Link Post

Sometimes you want a post that just links to another website. This can be done by including the externalurl parameter on your individual post. A link post is just a normal post under posts that has this special parameter. For example, on a post talking about some kickstarter project, you can add this to your individual post's Front Matter:

externalurl = ""

These posts are rendered slightly different with an → to signify that it is remote.

External URL

Specifying a featured image for social media

Sometimes you want to feature an image as your featured image that will display when linking your post in social media. This can be done by including the feature parameter on your individual post. Note you don't need to put the URL, just the path to the image without a leading /

feature: "assets/posts/20240219/image.jpg"

Preferred Dark Appearance

If you want to enable a dark appearance, there is limited support for that. Currently, setting the EnablePreferredDarkAppearance param to true in your config.toml file will enable it in an automatic state—if the system is using dark mode.


Variable What value? Required
theme internet-weblog Only if you want to use this theme! 😃
title internet weblog No. Unless you want to call your blog something else.
SectionPagesMenu main Yes. See above.
[author] - Handle A short handle to describe you. This could be your twitter handle or simply your first name. Yes. This is used to generate the Site's Title.
[author] - FirstName Your first name Yes. This is used in the footer to say Hi and in other places to identify you as the author.
[author] - LastName Your last name Not really. It is used in some places to identify you as the author.
[author] - AboutPage /about or Only if you want an about page. This is exposed to allow you to link to an external about page as well. If you have a local page it can just be something relative.
[author] - Location Your City No. If set, this is added to the Copyright in the footer so you can give some love to your hometown.
[author] - FlickrID Your Flickr ID No. The footer shows your photo stream from flickr. If you don't set it, nothing will be displayed.
[params] - Description Describe your site No. If set, this is added to your pages metadata.
[params] - ShowCopyright true or false No. If true, Copyright text will be added to the footer.
[params] - EnablePreferredDarkAppearance true or false No. If true, The viewers system dark mode is respected switching to a dark appearance.
[params] - RSSEnabled true or false No. If true, RSS pages will be generated.
[params] - RSSSections [ "Posts", "Microposts", "Photos" ] If you want RSS links in the menu, yes. These strings need to be the display name of the section where you want to have an RSS icon displayed. rss
[params] - RSSMicropostTitles true or false No. If false, Microposts RSS feeds will not have the title in included posts. If not present or true, nothing happens.
[params] - YearlyMicroposts true or false No. If true, Microposts will have a page with a yearly grouping just like the posts. If not present or false, the default of not having a micropost yearly grouping is applied.
[params] - SummarizeMicroposts true or false No. If true, Microposts will be summarized in the main list just like posts with a continue reading link. If not present or false, the default of not summarizing microposts is applied.

Here is an example config.toml:

baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "internet weblog"
theme = "internet-weblog"
Paginate = 10
SectionPagesMenu = "main"

   Handle = "jnjosh"
   FirstName = "Josh"
   LastName = "Johnson"
   AboutPage = "/about"
   Location = "Durham, NC"
   FlickrID = "87151163@N00"

   Description = "This is my blog, read it and enjoy."
   ShowCopyright = true
   RSSEnabled = true
   RSSSections = [ "Posts", "Microposts", "Photos" ]

   tag = "tags"
   category = "categories"
   series = "series"

   name = "Posts"
   weight = 1
   identifier = "posts"
   url = "/posts/"

   name = "Microposts"
   weight = 2
   identifier = "microposts"
   url = "/microposts/"

   name = "Photos"
   weight = 3
   identifier = "photos"
   url = "/photos/"


The theme expects you to override a few files in your blog to finalize the customization of your blog. Below is a list of the files you can override and why you'd want to. To override these, create your own version of the file under layouts/partials—you may need to create this directory.

File Why override? Required
bio.html The footer of the blog features a section about you. Yes. Otherwise it just has default text.
not_found.html If you want to customize the 404 not found page, you can update it here. Probably. The default is pretty plain.
custom_javascript.html If you need all pages to have your own custom javascript files referenced, you can do so here. No
custom_stylesheets.html If you need all pages to have your own custom stylesheets referenced, you can do so here. No
custom_image_handler.html The footer of the blog features a photo stream. If you want to customize it or use a different source, you can override this behavior. No


Did you find a bug or have an ideas for new features? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know or make a pull request.

3rd Party Libraries

This theme makes use of the following 3rd Party Libraries.


This theme is released under MIT. For more information, please see the License.


This is the first theme I've made for Hugo, so I'm sure I've done some things wrong or assumed too much. If you have ideas or things that should be fixed, please let me know.

Thanks to Steve Francia for creating Hugo!