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Hello! I am Joseph Lee. I am an alumni from UC San Diego with a major in B.S. Applied Math.
I pursued a math degree for three main reasons: A) I knew that I wanted to be in a STEM major; B) I didn't know what I wanted to do; C) math was my strongest subject in high school.
I initially came to UCSD as a pure math major, but as I took more courses--especially the theoretical and proof-heavy ones--I quickly realized that I wasn't interested in the theoretical or abstract aspect of math; I was more interested in the applied aspect. I wanted to learn how I can apply my knowledge and skills. Furthermore, I consider myself a very interdisciplinary person: I am interested in learning many subjects and fields, and I don't want my learning to be restricted to just my field (math). Thus, being an applied math major gave me the flexibility to take courses in other fields, such as data science, computer science, engineering, business, etc..
I met a lot of amazing people at UCSD and I am glad to have spent my time making meaningful connections and continuing my education at UCSD.
Here are some of my favorite UCSD courses (in no particular order):
- Data Science in Practice (COGS 108)
- Intro to Mathematical Software (MATH 157)
- Intro to Computational Statistics (MATH 185)
- Principles of Data Science (DSC 10)
- Applied Linear Algebra (MATH 102)
- Hidden Data in Random Matrices (MATH 182 / DSC 155)
- Intro to Cryptography (MATH 187A)
A list of (programming) languages I know or have used at UCSD:
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Julia
- R
- C
- C++
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Critical Thinking
- Interpersonal Skills
- Leadership
- Organization
- Teamwork
- Programming
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Scikit-Learn
- Mathematics
- Machine Learning
- Spreadsheet
- Procreate Art
- Data Analysis
Here are some of my book recommendations (in no particular order):
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
- Think Again by Adam Grant
- Deep Work by Cal Newport
- Rework by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried