Online version here :
Go to components/config.php at root directory and edit the URL
variable, same thing in src/js/main.js edit the const url
. You will need to build the assets to apply the changes, to do that run the following command : gulp
in the /builder directory, you might be ask to install the dev dependencies.
Go to components/ directory and create a file named keys.php
and then enter the following lines with the differents key you must request :
// Database
// you can easily create the tweet table, by import to your database '6months_space.sql' (there is already some tweets to test)
define('DTB_HOST','your database host');
define('DTB_NAME','your database name');
define('DTB_USER','your database user');
define('DTB_PASS','your database password');
// Twitter Api
define('T_CK','your consumer key');
define('T_CS','your consumer secret');
define('T_AC','your access token');
define('T_ACS','your access token secret');
// Google Geocode API
define('GG_KEY', 'your key');
Other APIs works without keys or tokens
The project is build with Gulp. You will need to install globally nodejs, npm and gulp-cli.
Once it's done, with your terminal, go to the cloned github directory :
cd 6months/builder
and run the command line npm install
in the directory. This will install all the development dependencies.
- ISS marker position
- Pages routing
- User position (3 hours cache) compared to ISS position, and next time they will be close
- Relative Thomas Pesquet's time in ISS
- Thomas Pesquet's tweets arround the earth with the relative position
- Tweet theather/details mode
- Sort tweet by time
- Story of Thomas Pesquet and its team
- Micro API Service (only return on request what the website really need);
- Clean API routing
- Pin data from other people in the ISS
- HTML5/SASS (to CSS3)
- JavaScript
- WebGL, earth library :
- Moment.js :
- Gulp.js v4.0
- APIs
- Open Notify :
- Where the iss at :
- Google Geocoding :
- Twitter API :
- Joseph Quercia :
- Charlotte Sieess :
- Nicolas Bernaux :
- Paul Perrier :
- Antoine de la Fourchardière :
- Louis Ghodsi : Behance in construction