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DSI's syncher between ActiveCollab and GitHub's Issue system


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MaidSyncher is a tool that is used to bidirectionally sync artifacts (tasks/subtasks/projects/etc) between an ActiveCollab instance, and the GitHub issues of an organization.

Configuration and usage

General instructions

Checkout the depended modules:

git submodule update --recursive --init

Install egit:

cd egit-github/org.eclipse.egit.github.core
mvn -f pom-jar.xml install

Install the fenix-framework-project snapshot pom

cd ist-dsi-maven
mvn install

Install the bennu modules.

cd bennu
mvn clean install  

Install the several modules easily with the aggregator pom:

cd ../../
mvn clean install

If all goes well, all the jars/war of different modules will be compilled and installed in the local maven repository.

Setting up the GitHub credentials.

If one wants to get a list of the current authorizations, to choose a suitable one from the existing list, one can the list with:

curl --user username:password

Where the username and password are from a user that has access to the repositories to be synched.

A special user only setup for this purpose is recommended, in order to clearly distinguish between what was made automatically or manually by another user.

If no suitable (with the scope of repo) authorizations are found, one can create it with the following JSON that can be found in the githubAuthorization.json:

  "scopes": ["repo"],
  "note": "MaidSyncher access"

and evoking the command:

curl -X POST -d @gitHubAuthorization.json --user username:password

When successfull, an output JSON like the following:

  "id": 3152912,
  "url": "",
  "app": {
    "name": "MaidSyncher access (API)",
    "url": "",
    "client_id": "997e0d7f84e77ee87b7c"
  "token": "9dbs3b6490ca05000bb59c168e275ff9b0c86b50",
  "note": "MaidSyncher access",
  "note_url": null,
  "created_at": "2013-07-25T16:33:13Z",
  "updated_at": "2013-07-25T16:33:13Z",
  "scopes": [

will be returned, from which, the token item will be used to configure the syncher-main and syncher-web modules.

More details can be found in the GitHub's developer page.

Setting up the ActiveCollab credentials

As explained in more detail here. The credentials token can be attained on the ActiveCollab interface.

A special user only setup for this purpose is recommended, in order to clearly distinguish between what was made automatically or manually by another user.

Configuration of the syncher-main & syncher-web modules:

To configure both modules, goto the ./src/main/resources directory either under syncher-main or syncher-web, and setup the and using their samples for instructions (that are available under the same directory with the .sample ending) and the GitHub and ActiveCollab tokens that should have been previously setup.

Also, logger verbosity can be fine tuned using the Logback's logback.xml configuration file. More info can be found here.

Running the standalone syncher-main synch app

This module refers to the 'main' standalone executable app that will synch the ActiveCollab and GitHub instances.

After configuring the .properties files as already described, you can simply run:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=""

if you already have compiled the project, or

mvn clean package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=""

to compile it and run the synching commands.

NOTE: running this app will change your ActiveCollab and GitHub instances. In a good way :) (at least hopefully! no, really, read the fine manual first on the expected behavior, plus, take into account that things might not be fully working as intended, if possible, run on test instances first).

Running the syncher-web synch webapp

This module refers to the webapp that will both synch the ActiveCollab and GitHub instances, as well as display a web interface where more info about those synchronizations can be obtained.

After configuring the .properties files as already described, you can simply run:

mvn jetty:start

if you already have compiled the project, or

mvn clean package jetty:start

to compile it and run the synching commands.

After that, by default, the website should be available at http://localhost:8080/syncher-web-clientjs/

NOTE: running this app will change your ActiveCollab and GitHub instances. In a good way :) (at least hopefully! no, really, read the fine manual first on the expected behavior, plus, take into account that things might not be fully working as intended, if possible, run on test instances first).


DSI's syncher between ActiveCollab and GitHub's Issue system



LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

Licenses found






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