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Textometr provides information about complexity level and other pedagogical statistics for any given text in Russian.

GitHub Super-Linter

Run application in the development mode using Docker

  1. Run

    docker-compose -f up
  2. Open http://localhost:8080

Backend installation, testing and running

  1. Go to backend folder

  2. Create virtual environment

    python3 -m venv env
  3. Activate venv

    source env/bin/activate
  4. Install packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python -m nltk.downloader punkt
  5. Run tests local or inside Docker container

    python3 -m unittest
  6. Run using Uvicorn

    cd app
    uvicorn app.main:app --reload
  7. Deactivate venv



  1. Generate icons
    cd work
    npx vue-pwa-asset-generator -a logo.svg -o output

Load Testing

  1. Install Artillery

    npm install -g artillery
  2. Run load test

    cd load-tests
    artillery run artillery-load-test.yaml


Deploy app stack in Docker Swarm

  1. Build image for frontend

    cd frontend # from the project directory
    docker build -t 1eshkin/textometr-frontend:x.x.x .
  2. Push frontend image to the Docker Hub

    docker push 1eshkin/textometr-frontend:x.x.x
  3. Build image for backend

    cd backend # from the project directory
    docker build -t 1eshkin/textometr-backend:x.x.x .
  4. Push backend image to the Docker Hub

    docker push 1eshkin/textometr-backend:x.x.x
  5. Copy docker-compose.yml to the textometr folder on remote server

  6. Create Docker Swarm on the remote server

    docker swarm init
  7. Run Docker Compose script for building images

    docker-compose up

    Then Ctrl+C to shutdown

  8. Deploy services to Docker Swarm

    docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml textometr
  9. Watch running services

    docker service ls # to view active replicas
    docker stats # to monitor resource usage

Update stack in Docker Swarm

  1. Copy docker-compose.yml to the textometr folder on remote server

  2. Deploy app stack in Docker Swarm

    cd textometr
    docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml textometr
  3. Reload nginx config

    docker container exec <container> nginx -s reload
  4. View service logs

    docker service ps --no-trunc textometr_backend