Snakepack is a code bundler and minifier for Python. Read the documentation.
Snakepack is available on PyPI.
Installing with Pip:
pip install snakepack
Alternatively, you can use Poetry:
poetry install snakepack
You can run Snakepack from the command line:
Refer to the Quickstart in the documentation for further instructions on how to setup Snakepack for your project.
Contributing to Snakepack requires Poetry to install dependencies. On MacOS, you can use Homebrew:
brew install poetry
Installing Snakepack's dependencies:
poetry install
Running the entire test suite against multiple Python versions requires Python 3.8 and Python 3.9, you can use PyEnv to install these:
brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.8.12
pyenv install 3.9.9
# Run following commands within the project's directory
pyenv local 3.8.12
pyenv local 3.9.9
You'll also have to initialize the Git submodules to pull in the open source libraries we test against:
git submodule update --init
Running the unit tests:
pytest -k "not IntegrationTest and not AcceptanceTest"
Running the integration tests:
pytest -k "IntegrationTest" -m "not hypothesis"
Running the acceptance tests (takes a while):
pytest -n auto -k "AcceptanceTest
Running the entire test suite against multiple Python versions (takes a while):