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14 Segment Display

Joachim Stolberg edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 5 revisions

Beduino provides 3 types of 14-segment displays:


Each display gets its own techage number, which has to be entered into a I/O module.

Import the file seg14.c to be able to use the functions.


Output a character ('A' - 'Z', '0' - '9') to the display

seg14_putchar(port, c);


Output a digit (0 - 9) to the display.

seg14_putdigit(port, val);


Output a string ('A' - 'Z', ' ', '0' - '9') to the display.

The number of display blocks must correspond to the string length and the port numbers must increase from left to right.

seg14_putstr(base_port, s);
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