DIY Eurorack projects with Arduino and C++ libraries.
🛒 Some of these modules are for sale on Reverb and Tindie, as PCB and panel kits or fully assembled!
Each module has its own detailed README file.
- Clock divider: clock divider in 4 HP.
- Forks: two Bernoulli gates, clone of Mutable Instruments Branches.
- In CV: virtual ensemble that plays Terry Riley's "In C" on CV/gate outputs.
- MIDI 4+1: polyphonic and monophonic MIDI to 4x CV/gate interface in 6 HP.
- Button class: convenient reading methods, debouncing, combined single and long-press, internal pull-up usage.
- CV class: analog input reader with low/high thresholds, for CV inputs and knobs.
- LED class: handles minimum duration to ensure visibility, implements blinking, toggle, flash.
- MCP4728 class: extends Hideaki Tai's lib to include optional LDAC; a sketch for setting I2C address (device ID) is provided.
- MultiPointMap class: maps values using a multi-linear scale that can be persisted in EEPROM, used to implement DACs calibration (adapted from Befaco MIDI Thing and Emilie Gillet's CVpal).
- SR74HC595 class: simple wrapper around
to handle 74HC595 shift registers.
Code: GPL 3.0, hardware: CC BY-SA 3.0.