A class I made to interact with the VitalSource API: https://developer.vitalsource.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001974433
It currently only makes 3 calls: Create Code, Check Code Status, and Cancel/Refund Code.
I did not include any API actions made on behalf of a specific user, as they were not necessary for my use-case -- they would require additional interaction to request an access token on behalf of the user, using their username and password.
Include and Construct API Class
// include api class
// setup vars for creds
// construct a new vitalsource_api object with the API key
$vitalsource_api = new vitalsource_api($api_key);
Create Redemption Code
// set test sku
$test_sku = 'VCS-0074009900852';
// create a redemption code for the test sku
// check for a response before continuing
if(!$vitalsource_api->getResponse()) {
// no valid response found; check for errors
// pull the response (code status or error) off the api object
$response = $vitalsource_api->getResponse();
$code = $response['code'];
Check Status of Redemption Code
// get the status of the code we just created in above creation example ($code)
// check for a response before continuing
if(!$vitalsource_api->getResponse()) {
// no valid response found; check for errors
// pull the response (code status or error) off the api object
$response = $vitalsource_api->getResponse();
Cancel/Refund Redemption Code
// cancel/refund the code we just created in above creation example ($code)
// check for a response before continuing
if(!$vitalsource_api->getResponse()) {
// no valid response found; check for errors
// pull the response (code status or error) off the api object
$response = $vitalsource_api->getResponse();