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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Shane Aldridge aldrshan
Just a nerd with a computer 🤓

Atlanta Georgia

Charlie Greenman CharlieGreenman
Software Architect. Active Top 10 Github Contributor. Work smarter, not harder. Wise like a baby gray cow.

Razroo Manhattan, NY

Himel Sarker Himel-Sarker
Software development is my spectrum remote. I write really bad code in PHP and JS, but I can do it without taking any rest. Besides all, I love Linux, FOSS.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Patrik Grinsvall silentpatrik
Developer, PHP, Infrastructure, Laravel, JS etc.

@SilentRidgeMedia Sweden/Mariestad

Inti Poaquiza Azogue intiinside
Inti Inside project


prem pream123
Coding enthusiast, problem solver and AI learner

Ta Ethni LLC Kathmandu nepal

Jimmy Vasquez jimmyvasquez

Parque de la Paz Ecuador

Vishwa Dinupriya Vishwa-Dinupriya
Web Developer | Student at UOM

Colombo | Sri Lanka

Filipe Castro CastroFilipe
Sou formado em Ciência da Computação, atuo como desenvolvedor utilizando principalmente as linguagens Java e Javascript. 🧑‍💻 ☕

BRQ Digital Solutions Belém,PA,Brazil

Gustavo Bedasi GusBedasi
Sou desenvolvedor backend <3.

Mercado livre São Paulo


Freelance Italy


PT Monlay Technologies jakarta

Bharath Vullanki vullankib
Sr. Engineering Manager

Lululemon Austin, TX

muuk lifa123


Ano Rebel AnoRebel

@HackEAC KnowHere

PROGRAMADOR WEB html5 | css3 | Typescript | Vuejs | Docker | Ionic capacitor | NodeJs | Json | Scss | CI, CD | PHP | Mysql

Yolfry Paginas Web-YPW, S.R.L.

John Jelinek IV johnjelinek

@LiveRamp Montgomery, TX

Dare Lawal lawaldare

EMBL-EBI Cambridge, UK

Jahidul Islam (Saeid) jahidulsaeid
Software Developer @Creative-IT-Soft

@Creative-IT-Soft Dhaka, Bangladesh

vipinkrishna vipinkrishna
Code Madly! +917907450532 (Wh)


Thiago Lopes thiagolopes-dev
I am developer FullStack

Daring Tech Arapongas

B.S. Computer Engineer and M.S. IT Undergrad
Nathaniel Senje topsailcashew-zz
Life-long tech learner. Interested in everything programming

Cactus & Bryant Co. Dar es Salaam - Tanzania

Allen_3 Allen3

ZJU ChengDu , China

Alex Alan Nunes alexalannunes
• Web Developer • UI Design • UX Design • Mobile Developer • Drawing

Pereiro, Ce - Brazil

Abdul Rehman MuhRehman
Determined Web Developer - Always learning - Personal improvement

Self Employed Westrige III ,Rawalpindi PK

José Daniel Velásquez Orozco JDVelasquezO
Live and Let Live - Love ❤️ .ılılılllıılılıllllıılılllıllı. 0:36 ─●──────── 5:26
Shikhir Arora shikhir-arora
I like a lot of stuff. Math/Econ/Philosophy. Freelance Audio Engineer. Love coding, but not a 'full-time' software dev. \_(ツ)_/ Discord: .vlexar#0001

President at @GieselaDev Philadelphia, PA

Mannuel Victor Limeira VictorLimeira
I hold a degree in Systems Analysis And Development, and I'm still trying to understand it all, and thriving. Natal, RN - BRAZIL

Ajith ajithk444
.NET, Azure , iOS. Researching in Medical Imaging Chennai