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199 lines (193 loc) · 7.87 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (193 loc) · 7.87 KB



Name Type Description Notes
CustomerID Int32[] [optional]
CustomerStatus StringRange [optional]
CustomerCompanyName String [optional]
CustomerFirstName String [optional]
CustomerLastName String [optional]
CustomerStreetAddress String [optional]
CustomerPreDirection String [optional]
CustomerStreetNumber String [optional]
CustomerPostDirection String [optional]
CustomerStreetSuffix String [optional]
CustomerStreetName String [optional]
CustomerCity String [optional]
CustomerState String [optional]
CustomerZip String [optional]
UseBillingInfo Boolean [optional]
CustomerInvoiceType DecimalRange [optional]
BillingCompanyName String [optional]
BillingLastName String [optional]
BillingFirstName String [optional]
BillingStreetAddress String [optional]
BillingPreDirection String [optional]
BillingStreetNumber String [optional]
BillingStreetSuffix String [optional]
BillingPostDirection String [optional]
BillingStreetName String [optional]
BillingCity String [optional]
BillingState String [optional]
BillingZip String [optional]
CustomerSource Int32 [optional]
CustomerSubdivisionID Int32 [optional]
CustomerBranchID IntRange [optional]
CustomerTaxId1 String [optional]
CustomerTaxId2 String [optional]
CustomerTaxId3 String [optional]
CustomerTerritoryCode StringRange [optional]
CustomerMasterAccountID Int32 [optional]
CustomerIsBilledWithMasterAccount Boolean [optional]
CustomerCancelCode Int32 [optional]
CustomerHoldCode Int32 [optional]
CustomerCollectionCodeId Int32 [optional]
CustomerSize DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerMapCode StringRange [optional]
CustomerCallCode Int32 [optional]
CustomerPhoneHome String [optional]
CustomerPhoneWork String [optional]
CustomerPhoneCell String [optional]
CustomerPhoneOthr String [optional]
CustomerPhoneFax String [optional]
CustomerPhonePage String [optional]
CustomerEmail String [optional]
CustomerCreditLimit DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerDirections String [optional]
CustomerSinceDate DateTimeRange [optional]
CustomerRoute String [optional]
ResidentialCommercial String [optional]
CustomerCancelDate DateTimeRange [optional]
CustomerCancelBy String [optional]
CustomerHoldBegin DateTimeRange [optional]
CustomerHoldEnd DateTimeRange [optional]
CustomerLatitude DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerLongitude DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerEstimatedHouseCost DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerYearBuilt IntRange [optional]
CustomerPropertyDimensions String [optional]
CustomerCensusTractInfo String [optional]
CustomerTechNote String [optional]
CustomerMemo String [optional]
CustomerStatementType DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerIsMasterAccount Boolean [optional]
BillingType String [optional]
CustomerNoInterest Boolean [optional]
CustomerPh DecimalRange [optional]
CustomerCollectionDate DateTimeRange [optional]
DiscountCode String [optional]
CarrierRoute String [optional]
CustomerReferenceID String [optional]
CustomerUnitCode Int32 [optional]
CustomerNoCreditHold Boolean [optional]
CustomerTrackingID String [optional]
CustomerUserID String [optional]
CustomerPassword String [optional]
CustomerCollectionExportDate DateTimeRange [optional]
CustomerCountyID String [optional]
CustomerMemoAlert Boolean [optional]
CustomerSizeSource String [optional]
BillingEmail String [optional]
Records Int32 [optional]
Offset Int32 [optional]
Created DateTimeRange [optional]
Updated DateTimeRange [optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$CustomerSearch = Initialize-RealGreenSaPSCustomerSearch  -CustomerID null `
 -CustomerStatus null `
 -CustomerCompanyName null `
 -CustomerFirstName null `
 -CustomerLastName null `
 -CustomerStreetAddress null `
 -CustomerPreDirection null `
 -CustomerStreetNumber null `
 -CustomerPostDirection null `
 -CustomerStreetSuffix null `
 -CustomerStreetName null `
 -CustomerCity null `
 -CustomerState null `
 -CustomerZip null `
 -UseBillingInfo null `
 -CustomerInvoiceType null `
 -BillingCompanyName null `
 -BillingLastName null `
 -BillingFirstName null `
 -BillingStreetAddress null `
 -BillingPreDirection null `
 -BillingStreetNumber null `
 -BillingStreetSuffix null `
 -BillingPostDirection null `
 -BillingStreetName null `
 -BillingCity null `
 -BillingState null `
 -BillingZip null `
 -CustomerSource null `
 -CustomerSubdivisionID null `
 -CustomerBranchID null `
 -CustomerTaxId1 null `
 -CustomerTaxId2 null `
 -CustomerTaxId3 null `
 -CustomerTerritoryCode null `
 -CustomerMasterAccountID null `
 -CustomerIsBilledWithMasterAccount null `
 -CustomerCancelCode null `
 -CustomerHoldCode null `
 -CustomerCollectionCodeId null `
 -CustomerSize null `
 -CustomerMapCode null `
 -CustomerCallCode null `
 -CustomerPhoneHome null `
 -CustomerPhoneWork null `
 -CustomerPhoneCell null `
 -CustomerPhoneOthr null `
 -CustomerPhoneFax null `
 -CustomerPhonePage null `
 -CustomerEmail null `
 -CustomerCreditLimit null `
 -CustomerDirections null `
 -CustomerSinceDate null `
 -CustomerRoute null `
 -ResidentialCommercial null `
 -CustomerCancelDate null `
 -CustomerCancelBy null `
 -CustomerHoldBegin null `
 -CustomerHoldEnd null `
 -CustomerLatitude null `
 -CustomerLongitude null `
 -CustomerEstimatedHouseCost null `
 -CustomerYearBuilt null `
 -CustomerPropertyDimensions null `
 -CustomerCensusTractInfo null `
 -CustomerTechNote null `
 -CustomerMemo null `
 -CustomerStatementType null `
 -CustomerIsMasterAccount null `
 -BillingType null `
 -CustomerNoInterest null `
 -CustomerPh null `
 -CustomerCollectionDate null `
 -DiscountCode null `
 -CarrierRoute null `
 -CustomerReferenceID null `
 -CustomerUnitCode null `
 -CustomerNoCreditHold null `
 -CustomerTrackingID null `
 -CustomerUserID null `
 -CustomerPassword null `
 -CustomerCollectionExportDate null `
 -CustomerCountyID null `
 -CustomerMemoAlert null `
 -CustomerSizeSource null `
 -BillingEmail null `
 -Records null `
 -Offset null `
 -Created null `
 -Updated null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$CustomerSearch | ConvertTo-JSON

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