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RealGreenSaPS - the PowerShell module for the Real Green Service Assistant Common API

Work with the Workwave Real Green Service Assistant API using PowerShell. This is not well optimized or documented. If you have suggestions on how to make this better, please create a pull request.

This PowerShell module is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v01
  • SDK version: 0.1.2
  • Generator version: 7.11.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PowerShellClientCodegen

Frameworks supported

  • PowerShell 6.2 or later



To install from the source, run the following command to build and install the PowerShell module locally:

Import-Module -Name '.\src\RealGreenSaPS' -Verbose

To avoid function name collision, one can use -Prefix, e.g. Import-Module -Name '.\src\RealGreenSaPS' -Prefix prefix

To uninstall the module, run:

Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = "RealGreenSaPS"; ModuleVersion = "0.1.2"}


To install and run Pester, please execute the following commands in the terminal:

Install-module -name Pester -force


For troubleshooting, please run $DebugPreference = 'Continue' to turn on debugging and disable it with $DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' when done with the troubleshooting.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
RGSAAccountApi Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsAccountIDAccountGet GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/AccountID/{account} Returns a single GL account by ID
RGSAAccountApi Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsAccountTypeAcctTypeGet GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/AccountType/{acct_type} Returns a list of GL accounts that are assigned the provided account type.
RGSAAccountApi Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsCashAccountCashAcctGet GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/CashAccount/{cash_acct} Returns a list of accounts that are (cash_acct=true) or are not (cash_acct=false) cash accounts.
RGSAAccountApi Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsGet GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts Returns a list of all GL Accounts
RGSAAccountApi Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsNotChangeNotchangeGet GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/NotChange/{notchange} Returns a list of GL accounts that can (notchange=false) or cannot (notchange=true) be altered within the system.
RGSAActionStatusApi Invoke-RGSAActionStatusDefaultStatusDefstatGet GET /ActionStatus/DefaultStatus/{defstat} Returns a list of action statuses that are/are not default statuses based on the provided defstat value.
RGSAActionStatusApi Invoke-RGSAActionStatusGet GET /ActionStatus Returns all action statuses in the database.
RGSAActionStatusApi Invoke-RGSAActionStatusHandheldHandheldGet GET /ActionStatus/Handheld/{handheld} Returns a list of action statuses that are/are not available on handheld devices based on the provided handheld value.
RGSAActionStatusApi Invoke-RGSAActionStatusResolvedResolvedGet GET /ActionStatus/Resolved/{resolved} Returns a list of action statuses that correspond to the provided resolved value.
RGSAActionStatusApi Invoke-RGSAActionStatusStatusStatusGet GET /ActionStatus/Status/{status} Returns a single action status record that corresponds to the status provided.
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /AdjustmentCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of all available adjustment codes.
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeCreditOrDebitCredordebGet GET /AdjustmentCode/CreditOrDebit/{credordeb} Returns a list of adjustment codes that correspond to the provided credit or debit type.
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeDontReportDontreportGet GET /AdjustmentCode/DontReport/{dontreport} Returns a list of adjustment codes that are (dontreport=false) or are not (dontreport=true) reported to collection agencies.
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeGet GET /AdjustmentCode Returns all adjustment codes in the database.
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeIdGet GET /AdjustmentCode/{id} Returns a single adjustment code record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSAAssemblyInfoApi Invoke-RGSAAssemblyInfoGetAssemblyInfoGet GET /AssemblyInfo/GetAssemblyInfo Returns assembly info.
RGSABatchApi Invoke-RGSABatchIdGet GET /Batch/{id} Get a single batch record by ID.
RGSABatchApi Invoke-RGSABatchSearchGet GET /Batch/Search Search for one or many batches.
RGSABatchApi Invoke-RGSABatchSearchPost POST /Batch/Search Search for one or many batches.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadAvailableAvailableGet GET /CallAhead/Available/{available} Returns a list of call ahead reasons that are, or are not, available based on the provided value.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadCallAheadDescriptionCallDescGet GET /CallAhead/CallAheadDescription/{call_desc} Returns a single call ahead record that corresponds to the provided description.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadGet GET /CallAhead Returns all call ahead parameters in the database.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadHighlightHighlightGet GET /CallAhead/Highlight/{highlight} Returns a list of call ahead reasons that are, or are not, highlighted based on the provided value.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadIdGet GET /CallAhead/{id} Returns a single call ahead record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadNotificationTypeNotifytypeGet GET /CallAhead/NotificationType/{notifytype} Returns a list of call ahead reasons that have the provided notification type.
RGSACallAheadApi Invoke-RGSACallAheadRenewableRenewableGet GET /CallAhead/Renewable/{renewable} Returns a list of all call ahead reasons that are, or are not, renewable based on the provided value.
RGSACallLogApi Invoke-RGSACallLogAddCallLogPost POST /CallLog/AddCallLog Add a call log record.
RGSACallLogApi Invoke-RGSACallLogCustomerCustomerIdGet GET /CallLog/Customer/{customerId} Retreive all call logs by customer ID
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonActionReasonIDActreasidGet GET /CallReason/ActionReasonID/{actreasid} Returns a single call reason that corresponds to the provided ActionReasonID.
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonBlockLeadBlockleadGet GET /CallReason/BlockLead/{blocklead} Returns a list of call reasons that are or are not available for block leading based on the provided blocklead boolean.
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonContactOrAttemptContatmptGet GET /CallReason/ContactOrAttempt/{contatmpt} Returns a list of call reasons that are either attempts (A) or contacts (C).
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonGet GET /CallReason Returns all call reasons in the database
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonHandheldHandheldGet GET /CallReason/Handheld/{handheld} Returns a list of call reasons that are or are not available on handled devices, based on the provided handheld value.
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonLetterIDLetteridGet GET /CallReason/LetterID/{letterid} Use for AMA
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonSendNoteSendNoteGet GET /CallReason/SendNote/{sendNote} Use for AMA
RGSACallReasonApi Invoke-RGSACallReasonStatusStatusGet GET /CallReason/Status/{status} Returns a list of call reasons that have the specified status.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonAvailableAvailableGet GET /CancelReason/Available/{available} Returns a list of cancel reasons that are or are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonCancelCategoryIDCancatidGet GET /CancelReason/CancelCategoryID/{cancatid} Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided category ID.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonDocumentTemplateIDDocumentTemplateIDGet GET /CancelReason/DocumentTemplateID/{DocumentTemplateID} Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided document template ID.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonGet GET /CancelReason Returns all cancel reasons in the database.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonIdGet GET /CancelReason/{id} Returns a single cancel reason that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSACancelReasonApi Stop-RGSAReasonLetterIDLetteridGet GET /CancelReason/LetterID/{letterid} Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided Letter ID.
RGSACompanyApi Invoke-RGSACompanyBranchNumberBranchnoGet GET /Company/BranchNumber/{branchno} Returns a single company record that corresponds with the provided branch number.
RGSACompanyApi Invoke-RGSACompanyCountryGet GET /Company/Country -
RGSACompanyApi Invoke-RGSACompanyEmployeeEmployeeIdGet GET /Company/Employee/{employeeId} Returns all companies the supplied user can access.
RGSACompanyApi Invoke-RGSACompanyGet GET /Company Returns all companies in the database.
RGSACompanyApi Invoke-RGSACompanyIdGet GET /Company/{id} Returns a single company record that corresponds with the provided ID.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeAnyBranchAnybranchGet GET /ConditionCode/AnyBranch/{anybranch} Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available for all branches.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /ConditionCode/Available/{available} Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeCategoryIDCondcatidGet GET /ConditionCode/CategoryID/{condcatid} Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the corresponding condition category ID.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeCustomerTypeCustomerActionCustdoGet GET /ConditionCode/CustomerTypeCustomerAction/{custdo} Retrieve a list of condition codes that have/don't have customer actions.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeDiscountDisccodeGet GET /ConditionCode/Discount/{disccode} Retrieve a list of condition codes that have the corresponding discount code.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeGet GET /ConditionCode Retrieve all condition codes
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeIdGet GET /ConditionCode/{id} Retrieve a single condition code by ID.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeInternalUseInternaluseGet GET /ConditionCode/InternalUse/{internaluse} Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available only for internal use.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeIsMobileHandheldGet GET /ConditionCode/IsMobile/{handheld} Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available on Mobile
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeLetterIDLetteridGet GET /ConditionCode/LetterID/{letterid} Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the corresponding letter id.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeSendEmailSendemailGet GET /ConditionCode/SendEmail/{sendemail} Retrieve a list of condition codes that will/will not send emails.
RGSAConditionCodeApi Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeUpsellProgramTypeProgdefidGet GET /ConditionCode/UpsellProgramType/{progdefid} Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the provided program definition ID
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerAddAttachmentPost POST /Customer/AddAttachment Add an attachment to the database.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberContactPreferencesGet GET /Customer/{customerNumber}/ContactPreferences Returns the specified customers contact preferences
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberContactPreferencesPut PUT /Customer/{customerNumber}/ContactPreferences Update a customers contact preferences
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberFlagsAddFlagIdPost POST /Customer/{customerNumber}/Flags/Add/{flagId} Add a flag to a customer account
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberFlagsGet GET /Customer/{customerNumber}/Flags Retrieve all flags for a customer
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagIDsPost POST /Customer/Flag/IDs Returns a list of customer numbers that have the specified flag.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagPost POST /Customer/Flag Returns a list of customers that have the specified flag. Return fields must be specified.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagsAddPost POST /Customer/Flags/Add Add a flag to multiple customer accounts
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagsDeletePost POST /Customer/Flags/Delete Remove a flag from multiple customer accounts
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerGetCustomerNumberByPhonePost POST /Customer/GetCustomerNumberByPhone Returns a list of customer numbers that have the provided phone number.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerGetCustomersByPhonePost POST /Customer/GetCustomersByPhone Returns a list of customers that have the provided phone number on their account.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerIdGet GET /Customer/{id} Retrieve a single customer record by customer number
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerIdPatch PATCH /Customer/{id} Update a portion of a customer without sending the entire customer object.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentFrequenciesGet GET /Customer/Installment/Frequencies Returns a list of valid installment payment frequencies to use when adding a new installment.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentPost POST /Customer/Installment Build and add an installment contract to the database.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentStatusesGet GET /Customer/Installment/Statuses Returns a list of valid installment statuses to use when adding a new installment.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerNPSPost POST /Customer/NPS Insert an NPS score.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerPost POST /Customer Insert a customer to the database.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerPrepayAllocationPost POST /Customer/PrepayAllocation Add prepay code to services in given prog_id(s)
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerPut PUT /Customer Update a customer by pasing the entire customer object
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchGet GET /Customer/Search Returns a list of customers that match the provided criteria.
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchMobilePost POST /Customer/SearchMobile -
RGSACustomerApi Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchPost POST /Customer/Search Returns a list of customers that match the provided criteria.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /DiscountCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not available based on the supplied value.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableOnHandheldHandheldGet GET /DiscountCode/AvailableOnHandheld/{handheld} Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not available on handhelds based on the supplied value.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableOnWebWebavailGet GET /DiscountCode/AvailableOnWeb/{webavail} Returns a lit of discount codes that are or are not available on CAW based on the supplied value.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeDollarDiscountDollardiscGet GET /DiscountCode/DollarDiscount/{dollardisc} Retruns a list of discount codes that are either a dollar discount (1) or percentage discount (0).
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeGet GET /DiscountCode Returns all discount codes in the database.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeIdGet GET /DiscountCode/{id} Returns a single discount code record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeIsSurchargeSurchargeGet GET /DiscountCode/IsSurcharge/{surcharge} Returns a list of discount codes that correspond with the supplied surcharge value.
RGSADiscountCodeApi Invoke-RGSADiscountCodePermanentPermanentGet GET /DiscountCode/Permanent/{permanent} Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not permanent based on the supplied value.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryAvailableOnMobileHandheldGet GET /DocumentCategory/AvailableOnMobile/{handheld} Retrieve a list of document categories that are (webavail=true) or are not (webavail=false) available on Mobile.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryAvailableOnWebWebavailGet GET /DocumentCategory/AvailableOnWeb/{webavail} Retrieve a list of document categories that are (webavail=true) or are not (webavail=false) available on CAW.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryGet GET /DocumentCategory Retreive all document categories in the database.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryIdGet GET /DocumentCategory/{id} Return a single document category record that correseponds to the provided ID
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryIdPatch PATCH /DocumentCategory/{id} Update a portion of a document category without sending the entire category object.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryPost POST /DocumentCategory Insert a new document category.
RGSADocumentCategoryApi Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryPut PUT /DocumentCategory Update an entire existing document category.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeActiveActiveGet GET /Employee/Active/{active} Returns a list of employees who are or are not active based on the provided value.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeApplicatorLicenseNumberApplicenseGet GET /Employee/ApplicatorLicenseNumber/{applicense} Returns a single employee record that has the provided application license number.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeDepartmentDeptGet GET /Employee/Department/{dept} Returns a list of employees who are assigned to the provided department.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeEmailEmailGet GET /Employee/Email/{email} Returns a single employee record that has the email provided.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeGet GET /Employee Returns all employees in the database.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeIdGet GET /Employee/{id} Returns a single employee record that correseponds with the provided ID.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeePositionPositionGet GET /Employee/Position/{position} Returns a list of employees who are assigned the provided position.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeSimplePost POST /Employee/Simple Add a simple employee to the database. Employee is inactive. EmployeeID will be generated (FirstInitial,LastInitial,MMddyy) (Ex: RM082421) if not passed.
RGSAEmployeeApi Invoke-RGSAEmployeeTruckTrackingConfigEmployeeIdGet GET /Employee/TruckTrackingConfig/{employeeId} -
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagAvailableAvailableGet GET /Flag/Available/{available} Returns a list of flags that are or are not avaialble based on the provided boolean value.
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagGet GET /Flag Returns all flag parameters in the database.
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagIdGet GET /Flag/{id} Returns a single flag parameter that corresponds to the provided ID
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagInsertFlagPost POST /Flag/InsertFlag Insert a flag to the database.
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagShowOnEstimateShowestGet GET /Flag/ShowOnEstimate/{showest} Returns a list of flags that are or are not shown on estimates based on the provided boolean value.
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagShowOnInvoiceShowinvGet GET /Flag/ShowOnInvoice/{showinv} Returns a list of flags that are or are not shown on invoices based on the provided boolean value.
RGSAFlagApi Invoke-RGSAFlagWebsiteAvailableWebavailGet GET /Flag/WebsiteAvailable/{webavail} Returns a list of flags that are or are not available based on the provided boolean value.
RGSAHistoryApi Invoke-RGSAHistorySearchPost POST /History/Search Search for history records for a specic customer.
RGSAHistoryApi Invoke-RGSAHistoryTransactionSearchGet GET /History/Transaction/Search Search for history records.
RGSAHistoryApi Invoke-RGSAHistoryTransactionSearchPost POST /History/Transaction/Search Search for history records.
RGSAHoldCodeApi Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /HoldCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of hold reasons that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSAHoldCodeApi Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeGet GET /HoldCode Returns all hold reasons in the database.
RGSAHoldCodeApi Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeIdGet GET /HoldCode/{id} Returns a single hold reason that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSALeadFormApi Invoke-RGSALeadFormSubmitPost POST /LeadForm/Submit Adds/Updates a lead in the database.
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersAnybranchAnybranchGet GET /Letters/Anybranch/{anybranch} -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersAvailableAvailableGet GET /Letters/Available/{available} -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersCancelGet GET /Letters/Cancel -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersCollectionGet GET /Letters/Collection -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersConfirmationGet GET /Letters/Confirmation -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersContractGet GET /Letters/Contract -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersGet GET /Letters -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersIdGet GET /Letters/{id} -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersInfoUpsellGet GET /Letters/InfoUpsell -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersLetterTypeLettertypeGet GET /Letters/LetterType/{lettertype} -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersPendingPendingGet GET /Letters/Pending/{pending} -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersPostcardGet GET /Letters/Postcard -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersPrepayGet GET /Letters/Prepay -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersReferralGet GET /Letters/Referral -
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersTypeLetterTypeGet GET /Letters/Type/{letterType} Get Letters by their type (Confirmation, Prepay, InfoUpsell, Cancel, Collection, Postcard, Referral)
RGSALettersApi Invoke-RGSALettersUseLetterheadUseltrheadGet GET /Letters/UseLetterhead/{useltrhead} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAllProgramsAllprogGet GET /PrepayCodes/AllPrograms/{allprog} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAllSpecialsAllspecGet GET /PrepayCodes/AllSpecials/{allspec} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAnybranchAnybranchGet GET /PrepayCodes/Anybranch/{anybranch} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAvailableAvailableGet GET /PrepayCodes/Available/{available} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesEligibilityPost POST /PrepayCodes/Eligibility -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesGet GET /PrepayCodes -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesHandheldHandheldGet GET /PrepayCodes/Handheld/{handheld} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesIdGet GET /PrepayCodes/{id} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesInstallmentInstallmntGet GET /PrepayCodes/Installment/{installmnt} -
RGSAPrepayCodeApi Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesPercentPercentGet GET /PrepayCodes/Percent/{percent} -
RGSAPriceTableApi Invoke-RGSAPriceTableAvailableAvailableGet GET /PriceTable/Available/{available} Returns a list of price tables that are (available=true) or are not (available=false) available to use.
RGSAPriceTableApi Invoke-RGSAPriceTableGet GET /PriceTable Returns all price table headers in the database.
RGSAPriceTableApi Invoke-RGSAPriceTableIdDetailedGet GET /PriceTable/{id}/Detailed Returns a detailed price table record that includes the size and price ranges that correspond to the provided ID.
RGSAPriceTableApi Invoke-RGSAPriceTableIdGet GET /PriceTable/{id} Returns a single price table that matches the provided ID.
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsAnyBranchAnybranchGet GET /Products/AnyBranch/{anybranch} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsAvailableOnHandheldHandheldGet GET /Products/AvailableOnHandheld/{handheld} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsEPANumberEpanoGet GET /Products/EPANumber/{epano} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsGet GET /Products -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIdGet GET /Products/{id} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIsLaborIslaborGet GET /Products/IsLabor/{islabor} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIsMasterIsmasterGet GET /Products/IsMaster/{ismaster} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIsNonInventoryNoninvGet GET /Products/IsNonInventory/{noninv} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIsProductionForproducGet GET /Products/IsProduction/{forproduc} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsIsWorkOrderForworkordGet GET /Products/IsWorkOrder/{forworkord} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsOnHandOnhandGet GET /Products/OnHand/{onhand} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsOnHoldOnholdGet GET /Products/OnHold/{onhold} -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsPost POST /Products -
RGSAProductsApi Invoke-RGSAProductsProductCodeProdcodeGet GET /Products/ProductCode/{prodcode} -
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramIdGet GET /Program/{id} Returns a single program record that correseponds to the provided ID
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramIdPatch PATCH /Program/{id} Allows updating a program object without passing the entire object.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramPackageAllGet GET /Program/Package/All Returns all package information.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramPackageIdGet GET /Program/Package/{id} Returns detailed package information for the package with the specified ID.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramPackagePost POST /Program/Package Adds the programs/special jobs contained within the package to the customers account.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramPost POST /Program Inserts and program and it's corresponding services.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramPut PUT /Program Update a program record using the entire model.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramQuoteBuildPost POST /Program/Quote/Build Returns an accurate pricing quote for the supplied program definition IDs
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramRevenuePost POST /Program/Revenue Returns gross price, discount amounts, and net revenue for the specified programs.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramSearchGet GET /Program/Search Perform a search for all customer programs and special jobs that match the provided criteria.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramSearchPost POST /Program/Search Perform a search for all customer programs and special jobs that match the provided criteria.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramSimpleBuildPost POST /Program/Simple/Build Builds a program and its service records.
RGSAProgramApi Invoke-RGSAProgramSimplePost POST /Program/Simple Inserts a program using minimum requirements.
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCodeIdGet GET /ProgramCode/Code/{id} Returns a single program code record that corresponds to the provided program code.
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCompanyGet GET /ProgramCode/Company Returns a list of programs that are available forthe specified company IDs Warning: This includes inactive ProgramCodes
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCompanyPost POST /ProgramCode/Company Returns a list of programs that are available forthe specified company IDs
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeGet GET /ProgramCode Returns a list of all program code parameters from the database.
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeIdGet GET /ProgramCode/{id} Returns a single program code record that correseponds to the provided ID.
RGSAProgramCodeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeIdServicesGet GET /ProgramCode/{id}/Services Returns the services that are contained within a program/repeating special.
RGSAProgramTypeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramTypeGet GET /ProgramType -
RGSAProgramTypeApi Invoke-RGSAProgramTypeProgtypeGet GET /ProgramType/{progtype} -
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryAnyBranchAnybranchGet GET /PropertyInventory/AnyBranch/{anybranch} Returns a list of property inventory parameters that are/are not available for all companies/branches based on the provided anybranch value.
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryCategoryIDInvcatidGet GET /PropertyInventory/CategoryID/{invcatid} Returns a list of property inventory parameters that are assigned the provided InventoryCategoryID.
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryGet GET /PropertyInventory Returns a list of all property inventory parameters in the database.
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryIdGet GET /PropertyInventory/{id} Returns a single property inventory parameter that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSARejectCodeApi Deny-RGSACodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /RejectCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of reject codes that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSARejectCodeApi Deny-RGSACodeGet GET /RejectCode Returns all reject codes in the database.
RGSARejectCodeApi Deny-RGSACodeIdGet GET /RejectCode/{id} Returns a single reject code that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedGet GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars broken down by company.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedPost POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars broken down by company.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedSummaryGet GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended/Summary Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedSummaryPost POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended/Summary Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisGet GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis Returns a summary of customer balances broken down by company and aging category.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisPost POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis Returns a summary of customer balances broken down by company and aging category.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisSummaryGet GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Summary Returns a summary of customer balances.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisSummaryPost POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Summary Returns a summary of customer balances.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBillingTypeSummaryGet GET /Reporting/BillingTypeSummary Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingBillingTypeSummaryPost POST /Reporting/BillingTypeSummary Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCAWRegistrationSummaryGet GET /Reporting/CAW/RegistrationSummary Returns CAW registration / autopay stats for all companies.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCAWRegistrationSummaryPost POST /Reporting/CAW/RegistrationSummary Returns CAW registration / autopay stats for specified companies.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCancelStatisticsByReasonGet GET /Reporting/CancelStatisticsByReason Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days).
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCancelStatisticsByReasonPost POST /Reporting/CancelStatisticsByReason Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days).
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCashInGet GET /Reporting/CashIn Returns a summary of payments received based on the provided criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCashInPost POST /Reporting/CashIn Returns a summary of payments received based on the provided criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerCreatedGet GET /Reporting/Customer/Created Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been created witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerCreatedPost POST /Reporting/Customer/Created Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been created witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerUpdatedGet GET /Reporting/Customer/Updated Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been updated witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerUpdatedPost POST /Reporting/Customer/Updated Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been updated witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingDiscountsSummaryGet GET /Reporting/Discounts/Summary Returns a list of given and remaining discount amounts broken down by discount code.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingDiscountsSummaryPost POST /Reporting/Discounts/Summary Returns a list of given and remaining discount amounts broken down by discount code.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingEmailPenetrationGet GET /Reporting/EmailPenetration Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingEmailPenetrationPost POST /Reporting/EmailPenetration Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCreditHoldSummaryGet GET /Reporting/Financial/CreditHold/Summary Returns a summary of balances due for customers that are on credit hold
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCreditHoldSummaryPost POST /Reporting/Financial/CreditHold/Summary Returns a summary of balances due for customers that are on credit hold
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCustomerValueGet GET /Reporting/Financial/CustomerValue Returns a single decimal summary of the average customer value for the specified criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCustomerValuePost POST /Reporting/Financial/CustomerValue Returns a single decimal summary of the average customer value for the specified criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialNewSaleCancelsGet GET /Reporting/Financial/NewSaleCancels Returns a summary of sales and cancel numbers for the speific date ranges
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialNewSaleCancelsPost POST /Reporting/Financial/NewSaleCancels Returns a summary of sales and cancel numbers for the speific date ranges
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingLeadSourceSummaryGet GET /Reporting/LeadSource/Summary Returns a count and dollar amount summary of all leads, rejected leads, and sold leads within the specified time frame broken down by source.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingLeadSourceSummaryPost POST /Reporting/LeadSource/Summary Returns a count and dollar amount summary of all leads, rejected leads, and sold leads within the specified time frame broken down by source.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingNPSGet GET /Reporting/NPS Returns an NPS report for the specified criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingNPSPost POST /Reporting/NPS Returns an NPS report for the specified criteria.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingPrepaySummaryGet GET /Reporting/Prepay/Summary Returns a list of given and remaining prepay amounts broken down by prepay code.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingPrepaySummaryPost POST /Reporting/Prepay/Summary Returns a list of given and remaining prepay amounts broken down by prepay code.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByProgramGet GET /Reporting/Production/ByProgram Returns a summary of production that is broken down by program.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByProgramPost POST /Reporting/Production/ByProgram Returns a summary of production that is broken down by program.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionBySalesPersonGet GET /Reporting/Production/BySalesPerson Returns a summary of production numbers separated by sales person.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionBySalesPersonPost POST /Reporting/Production/BySalesPerson Returns a summary of production numbers separated by sales person.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByServiceGet GET /Reporting/Production/ByService Returns a summary of production thatis broken down by service.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByServicePost POST /Reporting/Production/ByService Returns a summary of production thatis broken down by service.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramCreatedGet GET /Reporting/Program/Created Returns a list of program IDs for programs/special jobs that have been created witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramCreatedPost POST /Reporting/Program/Created Returns a list of program IDs for programs/special jobs that have been created witin the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramUpdatedGet GET /Reporting/Program/Updated Returns a list of program IDs for program/special jobs that have been updated within the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramUpdatedPost POST /Reporting/Program/Updated Returns a list of program IDs for program/special jobs that have been updated within the specified time frame.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingRevenueServiceYearRemainingGet GET /Reporting/Revenue/ServiceYearRemaining Returns a dollar amount summary of Total Incomplete Services, Total Completed And Unpaid, Installment Charges Not Posted, Unpaid Posted Installments
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingRevenueServiceYearRemainingPost POST /Reporting/Revenue/ServiceYearRemaining Returns a dollar amount summary of Total Incomplete Services, Total Completed And Unpaid, Installment Charges Not Posted, Unpaid Posted Installments
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeGet GET /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee and copmany.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeePost POST /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee and copmany.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeSummaryGet GET /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee/Summary Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeSummaryPost POST /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee/Summary Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee.
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSchedulingSkippedServicesSummaryGet GET /Reporting/Scheduling/SkippedServices/Summary Returns a summary of skipped service information by reason
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSchedulingSkippedServicesSummaryPost POST /Reporting/Scheduling/SkippedServices/Summary Returns a summary of skipped service information by reason
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundGet GET /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle separated by company/branch
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundPost POST /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle separated by company/branch
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundSummaryGet GET /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round/Summary Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundSummaryPost POST /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round/Summary Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingServiceCallResponseSummaryGet GET /Reporting/ServiceCallResponse/Summary Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days).
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingServiceCallResponseSummaryPost POST /Reporting/ServiceCallResponse/Summary Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days).
RGSAReportingApi Invoke-RGSAReportingWeeklyProductivityReportPost POST /Reporting/WeeklyProductivityReport -
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteAllProgramsAllprogGet GET /Route/AllPrograms/{allprog} Returns a list of routes that are/are not available for all programs/specials based on the provided AllProg value.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteAvailableAvailableGet GET /Route/Available/{available} Returns a list of route that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteCompanyIDCompIdGet GET /Route/CompanyID/{comp_id} Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the corresponding Company ID.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteCrewIDCrewIdGet GET /Route/CrewID/{crew_id} Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the specified CrewID.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteEmployeeIDEmpIdGet GET /Route/EmployeeID/{emp_id} Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the specified employee.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteGet GET /Route Returns all routes in the database.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteIdGet GET /Route/{id} Returns a single route record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSARouteApi Invoke-RGSARouteZoneIDZoneIdGet GET /Route/ZoneID/{zone_id} Returns a list of routes that as assigned the provided ZoneID.
RGSASecurityCodeApi Invoke-RGSASecurityCodeGet GET /SecurityCode Returns all security code parameters in the database.
RGSASecurityCodeApi Invoke-RGSASecurityCodeIdGet GET /SecurityCode/{id} Returns a single security code record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSAServiceApi Invoke-RGSAServiceAllocationsPost POST /Service/Allocations Returns a summary of service amount and allocations for the services specified.
RGSAServiceApi Invoke-RGSAServiceSearchGet GET /Service/Search Returns a list of services that match the provided criteria.
RGSAServiceApi Invoke-RGSAServiceSearchPost POST /Service/Search Returns a list of services that match the provided criteria.
RGSAServiceApi Invoke-RGSAServiceServiceIdGet GET /Service/{serviceId} Returns a single service record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSAServiceCodeApi Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /ServiceCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of service codes that are (available=true) or are not (avaialble=false) avaialble.
RGSAServiceCodeApi Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeCodeServiceCodeGet GET /ServiceCode/Code/{serviceCode} Returns a single service code for the provided service ID
RGSAServiceCodeApi Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeGet GET /ServiceCode Returns all service code parameters in the database.
RGSAServiceCodeApi Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeServiceCodeServiceCodeGet GET /ServiceCode/ServiceCode/{serviceCode} Returns a single service code for the provided service ID
RGSAServiceConditionsApi Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsIdGet GET /ServiceConditions/{id} -
RGSAServiceConditionsApi Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsSearchPost POST /ServiceConditions/Search -
RGSAServiceConditionsApi Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsServiceIDServiceIdGet GET /ServiceConditions/ServiceID/{service_id} -
RGSAServiceStatusApi Invoke-RGSAServiceStatusGet GET /ServiceStatus -
RGSAServiceStatusApi Invoke-RGSAServiceStatusIdGet GET /ServiceStatus/{id} -
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeActiveOrPassiveActorpassGet GET /SourceCode/ActiveOrPassive/{actorpass} Returns a list of source code parameters that are either active (1) or passive (0) sources.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeAnyBranchAnybranchGet GET /SourceCode/AnyBranch/{anybranch} Returns a list of sources that are/are not available for all branches based on the provided AnyBranch value.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeAvailableAvailableGet GET /SourceCode/Available/{available} Returns a list of source codes that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeGet GET /SourceCode Returns all source code parameters in the database.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeHandheldHandheldGet GET /SourceCode/Handheld/{handheld} Returns a list of source codes that are/are not available on handhelds based on the provided handheld value.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeIdGet GET /SourceCode/{id} Returns a single source code record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodePost POST /SourceCode Insert a source code into the database.
RGSASourceCodeApi Invoke-RGSASourceCodeSourceAbbreviationSrcabbrevGet GET /SourceCode/SourceAbbreviation/{srcabbrev} Returns a single source code parameter record that is assigned the provided SourceAbbreviation.
RGSASubdivisionApi Invoke-RGSASubdivisionAvailableAvailableGet GET /Subdivision/Available/{available} Returns a list of subdivisions that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSASubdivisionApi Invoke-RGSASubdivisionCompanyIDCompIdGet GET /Subdivision/CompanyID/{comp_id} Returns a list of subdivisions that are assigned the provided Company ID.
RGSASubdivisionApi Invoke-RGSASubdivisionGet GET /Subdivision Returns all subdivisions in the database.
RGSASubdivisionApi Invoke-RGSASubdivisionIdGet GET /Subdivision/{id} Returns a single subdivision that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSASubdivisionApi Invoke-RGSASubdivisionNameSubnameGet GET /Subdivision/Name/{subname} Returns a list of subdivisions that are assigned the provided SubName.
RGSASuffixApi Invoke-RGSASuffixFullSuffixFullsuffixGet GET /Suffix/FullSuffix/{fullsuffix} Returns a single suffix record that is assigned the provided full suffix.
RGSASuffixApi Invoke-RGSASuffixGet GET /Suffix Returns all suffixes in the database.
RGSASuffixApi Invoke-RGSASuffixIdGet GET /Suffix/{id} Returns a single suffix that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSATaxApi Invoke-RGSATaxAvailableAvailableGet GET /Tax/Available/{available} Returns a list of tax parameters that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSATaxApi Invoke-RGSATaxGet GET /Tax Returns all tax codes in the database.
RGSATaxApi Invoke-RGSATaxIdGet GET /Tax/{id} Returns a single tax record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSATerritoryApi Invoke-RGSATerritoryAvailableAvailableGet GET /Territory/Available/{available} Returns a list of territory records that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSATerritoryApi Invoke-RGSATerritoryCompanyIDCompIdGet GET /Territory/CompanyID/{comp_id} Returns a list of territory records that are assigned to the provided CompanyID.
RGSATerritoryApi Invoke-RGSATerritoryGet GET /Territory Returns all territoriese in the database.
RGSATerritoryApi Invoke-RGSATerritoryIdGet GET /Territory/{id} Returns a single territory parameter record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSATitleApi Invoke-RGSATitleGet GET /Title Returns all title records in the database.
RGSATitleApi Invoke-RGSATitleIdGet GET /Title/{id} Returns a single title record that correseponds to the provided ID.
RGSATopicApi Invoke-RGSATopicGet GET /Topic Returns all topics
RGSATopicApi Invoke-RGSATopicIdGet GET /Topic/{id} Returns a single call topic that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSATopicApi Invoke-RGSATopicIdPatch PATCH /Topic/{id} Update a portion of a topic without sending the entire topic object.
RGSATopicApi Invoke-RGSATopicPost POST /Topic Insert a new call topic.
RGSATopicApi Invoke-RGSATopicPut PUT /Topic Update an entire existing call topic.
RGSAUtilitiesApi Invoke-RGSAUtilitiesYearEndPriceIncreasePost POST /Utilities/YearEnd/PriceIncrease -
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleAvailableAvailableGet GET /Vehicle/Available/{available} Returns a list of vehicle records that are/are not available based on the provided available value.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleCompanyIDCompIdGet GET /Vehicle/CompanyID/{comp_id} Returns a list of vehicles that are assigned to the provided Company ID.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleGet GET /Vehicle Returns all vehicles in the database.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleIdGet GET /Vehicle/{id} Returns a single vehicle record that corresponds to the provided ID.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleLicenseNumberLicensenoGet GET /Vehicle/LicenseNumber/{licenseno} Returns a single vehicle record that corresponds to the provided license number.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleMakeMakeGet GET /Vehicle/Make/{make} Returns a list of vehicles that are of the specified Make.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleVINVinGet GET /Vehicle/VIN/{vin} Returns a single vehicle that is assigned the provided VIN.
RGSAVehicleApi Invoke-RGSAVehicleYearModelyearGet GET /Vehicle/Year/{modelyear} Returns a list of vehicles that are of the provided model year.
RGSAZipCodeApi Invoke-RGSAZipCodeAllGet GET /ZipCode/All Returns all zip code records in the database.
RGSAZipCodeApi Invoke-RGSAZipCodeGet GET /ZipCode Returns all zip code records in the database.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


Real Green Service Assistant Mini PowerShell Module




