Work with the Workwave Real Green Service Assistant API using PowerShell. This is not well optimized or documented. If you have suggestions on how to make this better, please create a pull request.
This PowerShell module is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v01
- SDK version: 0.1.2
- Generator version: 7.11.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PowerShellClientCodegen
- PowerShell 6.2 or later
To install from the source, run the following command to build and install the PowerShell module locally:
Import-Module -Name '.\src\RealGreenSaPS' -Verbose
To avoid function name collision, one can use -Prefix
, e.g. Import-Module -Name '.\src\RealGreenSaPS' -Prefix prefix
To uninstall the module, run:
Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = "RealGreenSaPS"; ModuleVersion = "0.1.2"}
To install and run Pester
, please execute the following commands in the terminal:
Install-module -name Pester -force
For troubleshooting, please run $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
to turn on debugging and disable it with $DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
when done with the troubleshooting.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
RGSAAccountApi | Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsAccountIDAccountGet | GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/AccountID/{account} | Returns a single GL account by ID |
RGSAAccountApi | Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsAccountTypeAcctTypeGet | GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/AccountType/{acct_type} | Returns a list of GL accounts that are assigned the provided account type. |
RGSAAccountApi | Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsCashAccountCashAcctGet | GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/CashAccount/{cash_acct} | Returns a list of accounts that are (cash_acct=true) or are not (cash_acct=false) cash accounts. |
RGSAAccountApi | Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsGet | GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts | Returns a list of all GL Accounts |
RGSAAccountApi | Invoke-RGSAGeneralLedgerAccountsNotChangeNotchangeGet | GET /GeneralLedger/Accounts/NotChange/{notchange} | Returns a list of GL accounts that can (notchange=false) or cannot (notchange=true) be altered within the system. |
RGSAActionStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAActionStatusDefaultStatusDefstatGet | GET /ActionStatus/DefaultStatus/{defstat} | Returns a list of action statuses that are/are not default statuses based on the provided defstat value. |
RGSAActionStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAActionStatusGet | GET /ActionStatus | Returns all action statuses in the database. |
RGSAActionStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAActionStatusHandheldHandheldGet | GET /ActionStatus/Handheld/{handheld} | Returns a list of action statuses that are/are not available on handheld devices based on the provided handheld value. |
RGSAActionStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAActionStatusResolvedResolvedGet | GET /ActionStatus/Resolved/{resolved} | Returns a list of action statuses that correspond to the provided resolved value. |
RGSAActionStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAActionStatusStatusStatusGet | GET /ActionStatus/Status/{status} | Returns a single action status record that corresponds to the status provided. |
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /AdjustmentCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of all available adjustment codes. |
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeCreditOrDebitCredordebGet | GET /AdjustmentCode/CreditOrDebit/{credordeb} | Returns a list of adjustment codes that correspond to the provided credit or debit type. |
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeDontReportDontreportGet | GET /AdjustmentCode/DontReport/{dontreport} | Returns a list of adjustment codes that are (dontreport=false) or are not (dontreport=true) reported to collection agencies. |
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeGet | GET /AdjustmentCode | Returns all adjustment codes in the database. |
RGSAAdjustmentCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAAdjustmentCodeIdGet | GET /AdjustmentCode/{id} | Returns a single adjustment code record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAAssemblyInfoApi | Invoke-RGSAAssemblyInfoGetAssemblyInfoGet | GET /AssemblyInfo/GetAssemblyInfo | Returns assembly info. |
RGSABatchApi | Invoke-RGSABatchIdGet | GET /Batch/{id} | Get a single batch record by ID. |
RGSABatchApi | Invoke-RGSABatchSearchGet | GET /Batch/Search | Search for one or many batches. |
RGSABatchApi | Invoke-RGSABatchSearchPost | POST /Batch/Search | Search for one or many batches. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadAvailableAvailableGet | GET /CallAhead/Available/{available} | Returns a list of call ahead reasons that are, or are not, available based on the provided value. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadCallAheadDescriptionCallDescGet | GET /CallAhead/CallAheadDescription/{call_desc} | Returns a single call ahead record that corresponds to the provided description. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadGet | GET /CallAhead | Returns all call ahead parameters in the database. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadHighlightHighlightGet | GET /CallAhead/Highlight/{highlight} | Returns a list of call ahead reasons that are, or are not, highlighted based on the provided value. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadIdGet | GET /CallAhead/{id} | Returns a single call ahead record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadNotificationTypeNotifytypeGet | GET /CallAhead/NotificationType/{notifytype} | Returns a list of call ahead reasons that have the provided notification type. |
RGSACallAheadApi | Invoke-RGSACallAheadRenewableRenewableGet | GET /CallAhead/Renewable/{renewable} | Returns a list of all call ahead reasons that are, or are not, renewable based on the provided value. |
RGSACallLogApi | Invoke-RGSACallLogAddCallLogPost | POST /CallLog/AddCallLog | Add a call log record. |
RGSACallLogApi | Invoke-RGSACallLogCustomerCustomerIdGet | GET /CallLog/Customer/{customerId} | Retreive all call logs by customer ID |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonActionReasonIDActreasidGet | GET /CallReason/ActionReasonID/{actreasid} | Returns a single call reason that corresponds to the provided ActionReasonID. |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonBlockLeadBlockleadGet | GET /CallReason/BlockLead/{blocklead} | Returns a list of call reasons that are or are not available for block leading based on the provided blocklead boolean. |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonContactOrAttemptContatmptGet | GET /CallReason/ContactOrAttempt/{contatmpt} | Returns a list of call reasons that are either attempts (A) or contacts (C). |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonGet | GET /CallReason | Returns all call reasons in the database |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonHandheldHandheldGet | GET /CallReason/Handheld/{handheld} | Returns a list of call reasons that are or are not available on handled devices, based on the provided handheld value. |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonLetterIDLetteridGet | GET /CallReason/LetterID/{letterid} | Use for AMA |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonSendNoteSendNoteGet | GET /CallReason/SendNote/{sendNote} | Use for AMA |
RGSACallReasonApi | Invoke-RGSACallReasonStatusStatusGet | GET /CallReason/Status/{status} | Returns a list of call reasons that have the specified status. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonAvailableAvailableGet | GET /CancelReason/Available/{available} | Returns a list of cancel reasons that are or are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonCancelCategoryIDCancatidGet | GET /CancelReason/CancelCategoryID/{cancatid} | Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided category ID. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonDocumentTemplateIDDocumentTemplateIDGet | GET /CancelReason/DocumentTemplateID/{DocumentTemplateID} | Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided document template ID. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonGet | GET /CancelReason | Returns all cancel reasons in the database. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonIdGet | GET /CancelReason/{id} | Returns a single cancel reason that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSACancelReasonApi | Stop-RGSAReasonLetterIDLetteridGet | GET /CancelReason/LetterID/{letterid} | Returns a list of cancel reasons that have the provided Letter ID. |
RGSACompanyApi | Invoke-RGSACompanyBranchNumberBranchnoGet | GET /Company/BranchNumber/{branchno} | Returns a single company record that corresponds with the provided branch number. |
RGSACompanyApi | Invoke-RGSACompanyCountryGet | GET /Company/Country | - |
RGSACompanyApi | Invoke-RGSACompanyEmployeeEmployeeIdGet | GET /Company/Employee/{employeeId} | Returns all companies the supplied user can access. |
RGSACompanyApi | Invoke-RGSACompanyGet | GET /Company | Returns all companies in the database. |
RGSACompanyApi | Invoke-RGSACompanyIdGet | GET /Company/{id} | Returns a single company record that corresponds with the provided ID. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeAnyBranchAnybranchGet | GET /ConditionCode/AnyBranch/{anybranch} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available for all branches. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /ConditionCode/Available/{available} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeCategoryIDCondcatidGet | GET /ConditionCode/CategoryID/{condcatid} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the corresponding condition category ID. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeCustomerTypeCustomerActionCustdoGet | GET /ConditionCode/CustomerTypeCustomerAction/{custdo} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that have/don't have customer actions. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeDiscountDisccodeGet | GET /ConditionCode/Discount/{disccode} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that have the corresponding discount code. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeGet | GET /ConditionCode | Retrieve all condition codes |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeIdGet | GET /ConditionCode/{id} | Retrieve a single condition code by ID. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeInternalUseInternaluseGet | GET /ConditionCode/InternalUse/{internaluse} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available only for internal use. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeIsMobileHandheldGet | GET /ConditionCode/IsMobile/{handheld} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that are/are not available on Mobile |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeLetterIDLetteridGet | GET /ConditionCode/LetterID/{letterid} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the corresponding letter id. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeSendEmailSendemailGet | GET /ConditionCode/SendEmail/{sendemail} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that will/will not send emails. |
RGSAConditionCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAConditionCodeUpsellProgramTypeProgdefidGet | GET /ConditionCode/UpsellProgramType/{progdefid} | Retrieve a list of condition codes that match the provided program definition ID |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerAddAttachmentPost | POST /Customer/AddAttachment | Add an attachment to the database. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberContactPreferencesGet | GET /Customer/{customerNumber}/ContactPreferences | Returns the specified customers contact preferences |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberContactPreferencesPut | PUT /Customer/{customerNumber}/ContactPreferences | Update a customers contact preferences |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberFlagsAddFlagIdPost | POST /Customer/{customerNumber}/Flags/Add/{flagId} | Add a flag to a customer account |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerCustomerNumberFlagsGet | GET /Customer/{customerNumber}/Flags | Retrieve all flags for a customer |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagIDsPost | POST /Customer/Flag/IDs | Returns a list of customer numbers that have the specified flag. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagPost | POST /Customer/Flag | Returns a list of customers that have the specified flag. Return fields must be specified. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagsAddPost | POST /Customer/Flags/Add | Add a flag to multiple customer accounts |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerFlagsDeletePost | POST /Customer/Flags/Delete | Remove a flag from multiple customer accounts |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerGetCustomerNumberByPhonePost | POST /Customer/GetCustomerNumberByPhone | Returns a list of customer numbers that have the provided phone number. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerGetCustomersByPhonePost | POST /Customer/GetCustomersByPhone | Returns a list of customers that have the provided phone number on their account. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerIdGet | GET /Customer/{id} | Retrieve a single customer record by customer number |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerIdPatch | PATCH /Customer/{id} | Update a portion of a customer without sending the entire customer object. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentFrequenciesGet | GET /Customer/Installment/Frequencies | Returns a list of valid installment payment frequencies to use when adding a new installment. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentPost | POST /Customer/Installment | Build and add an installment contract to the database. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerInstallmentStatusesGet | GET /Customer/Installment/Statuses | Returns a list of valid installment statuses to use when adding a new installment. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerNPSPost | POST /Customer/NPS | Insert an NPS score. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerPost | POST /Customer | Insert a customer to the database. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerPrepayAllocationPost | POST /Customer/PrepayAllocation | Add prepay code to services in given prog_id(s) |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerPut | PUT /Customer | Update a customer by pasing the entire customer object |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchGet | GET /Customer/Search | Returns a list of customers that match the provided criteria. |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchMobilePost | POST /Customer/SearchMobile | - |
RGSACustomerApi | Invoke-RGSACustomerSearchPost | POST /Customer/Search | Returns a list of customers that match the provided criteria. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /DiscountCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not available based on the supplied value. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableOnHandheldHandheldGet | GET /DiscountCode/AvailableOnHandheld/{handheld} | Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not available on handhelds based on the supplied value. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeAvailableOnWebWebavailGet | GET /DiscountCode/AvailableOnWeb/{webavail} | Returns a lit of discount codes that are or are not available on CAW based on the supplied value. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeDollarDiscountDollardiscGet | GET /DiscountCode/DollarDiscount/{dollardisc} | Retruns a list of discount codes that are either a dollar discount (1) or percentage discount (0). |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeGet | GET /DiscountCode | Returns all discount codes in the database. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeIdGet | GET /DiscountCode/{id} | Returns a single discount code record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodeIsSurchargeSurchargeGet | GET /DiscountCode/IsSurcharge/{surcharge} | Returns a list of discount codes that correspond with the supplied surcharge value. |
RGSADiscountCodeApi | Invoke-RGSADiscountCodePermanentPermanentGet | GET /DiscountCode/Permanent/{permanent} | Returns a list of discount codes that are or are not permanent based on the supplied value. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryAvailableOnMobileHandheldGet | GET /DocumentCategory/AvailableOnMobile/{handheld} | Retrieve a list of document categories that are (webavail=true) or are not (webavail=false) available on Mobile. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryAvailableOnWebWebavailGet | GET /DocumentCategory/AvailableOnWeb/{webavail} | Retrieve a list of document categories that are (webavail=true) or are not (webavail=false) available on CAW. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryGet | GET /DocumentCategory | Retreive all document categories in the database. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryIdGet | GET /DocumentCategory/{id} | Return a single document category record that correseponds to the provided ID |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryIdPatch | PATCH /DocumentCategory/{id} | Update a portion of a document category without sending the entire category object. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryPost | POST /DocumentCategory | Insert a new document category. |
RGSADocumentCategoryApi | Invoke-RGSADocumentCategoryPut | PUT /DocumentCategory | Update an entire existing document category. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeActiveActiveGet | GET /Employee/Active/{active} | Returns a list of employees who are or are not active based on the provided value. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeApplicatorLicenseNumberApplicenseGet | GET /Employee/ApplicatorLicenseNumber/{applicense} | Returns a single employee record that has the provided application license number. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeDepartmentDeptGet | GET /Employee/Department/{dept} | Returns a list of employees who are assigned to the provided department. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeEmailEmailGet | GET /Employee/Email/{email} | Returns a single employee record that has the email provided. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeGet | GET /Employee | Returns all employees in the database. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeIdGet | GET /Employee/{id} | Returns a single employee record that correseponds with the provided ID. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeePositionPositionGet | GET /Employee/Position/{position} | Returns a list of employees who are assigned the provided position. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeSimplePost | POST /Employee/Simple | Add a simple employee to the database. Employee is inactive. EmployeeID will be generated (FirstInitial,LastInitial,MMddyy) (Ex: RM082421) if not passed. |
RGSAEmployeeApi | Invoke-RGSAEmployeeTruckTrackingConfigEmployeeIdGet | GET /Employee/TruckTrackingConfig/{employeeId} | - |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Flag/Available/{available} | Returns a list of flags that are or are not avaialble based on the provided boolean value. |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagGet | GET /Flag | Returns all flag parameters in the database. |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagIdGet | GET /Flag/{id} | Returns a single flag parameter that corresponds to the provided ID |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagInsertFlagPost | POST /Flag/InsertFlag | Insert a flag to the database. |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagShowOnEstimateShowestGet | GET /Flag/ShowOnEstimate/{showest} | Returns a list of flags that are or are not shown on estimates based on the provided boolean value. |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagShowOnInvoiceShowinvGet | GET /Flag/ShowOnInvoice/{showinv} | Returns a list of flags that are or are not shown on invoices based on the provided boolean value. |
RGSAFlagApi | Invoke-RGSAFlagWebsiteAvailableWebavailGet | GET /Flag/WebsiteAvailable/{webavail} | Returns a list of flags that are or are not available based on the provided boolean value. |
RGSAHistoryApi | Invoke-RGSAHistorySearchPost | POST /History/Search | Search for history records for a specic customer. |
RGSAHistoryApi | Invoke-RGSAHistoryTransactionSearchGet | GET /History/Transaction/Search | Search for history records. |
RGSAHistoryApi | Invoke-RGSAHistoryTransactionSearchPost | POST /History/Transaction/Search | Search for history records. |
RGSAHoldCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /HoldCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of hold reasons that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSAHoldCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeGet | GET /HoldCode | Returns all hold reasons in the database. |
RGSAHoldCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAHoldCodeIdGet | GET /HoldCode/{id} | Returns a single hold reason that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSALeadFormApi | Invoke-RGSALeadFormSubmitPost | POST /LeadForm/Submit | Adds/Updates a lead in the database. |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersAnybranchAnybranchGet | GET /Letters/Anybranch/{anybranch} | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Letters/Available/{available} | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersCancelGet | GET /Letters/Cancel | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersCollectionGet | GET /Letters/Collection | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersConfirmationGet | GET /Letters/Confirmation | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersContractGet | GET /Letters/Contract | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersGet | GET /Letters | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersIdGet | GET /Letters/{id} | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersInfoUpsellGet | GET /Letters/InfoUpsell | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersLetterTypeLettertypeGet | GET /Letters/LetterType/{lettertype} | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersPendingPendingGet | GET /Letters/Pending/{pending} | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersPostcardGet | GET /Letters/Postcard | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersPrepayGet | GET /Letters/Prepay | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersReferralGet | GET /Letters/Referral | - |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersTypeLetterTypeGet | GET /Letters/Type/{letterType} | Get Letters by their type (Confirmation, Prepay, InfoUpsell, Cancel, Collection, Postcard, Referral) |
RGSALettersApi | Invoke-RGSALettersUseLetterheadUseltrheadGet | GET /Letters/UseLetterhead/{useltrhead} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAllProgramsAllprogGet | GET /PrepayCodes/AllPrograms/{allprog} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAllSpecialsAllspecGet | GET /PrepayCodes/AllSpecials/{allspec} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAnybranchAnybranchGet | GET /PrepayCodes/Anybranch/{anybranch} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesAvailableAvailableGet | GET /PrepayCodes/Available/{available} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesEligibilityPost | POST /PrepayCodes/Eligibility | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesGet | GET /PrepayCodes | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesHandheldHandheldGet | GET /PrepayCodes/Handheld/{handheld} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesIdGet | GET /PrepayCodes/{id} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesInstallmentInstallmntGet | GET /PrepayCodes/Installment/{installmnt} | - |
RGSAPrepayCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAPrepayCodesPercentPercentGet | GET /PrepayCodes/Percent/{percent} | - |
RGSAPriceTableApi | Invoke-RGSAPriceTableAvailableAvailableGet | GET /PriceTable/Available/{available} | Returns a list of price tables that are (available=true) or are not (available=false) available to use. |
RGSAPriceTableApi | Invoke-RGSAPriceTableGet | GET /PriceTable | Returns all price table headers in the database. |
RGSAPriceTableApi | Invoke-RGSAPriceTableIdDetailedGet | GET /PriceTable/{id}/Detailed | Returns a detailed price table record that includes the size and price ranges that correspond to the provided ID. |
RGSAPriceTableApi | Invoke-RGSAPriceTableIdGet | GET /PriceTable/{id} | Returns a single price table that matches the provided ID. |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsAnyBranchAnybranchGet | GET /Products/AnyBranch/{anybranch} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsAvailableOnHandheldHandheldGet | GET /Products/AvailableOnHandheld/{handheld} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsEPANumberEpanoGet | GET /Products/EPANumber/{epano} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsGet | GET /Products | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIdGet | GET /Products/{id} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIsLaborIslaborGet | GET /Products/IsLabor/{islabor} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIsMasterIsmasterGet | GET /Products/IsMaster/{ismaster} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIsNonInventoryNoninvGet | GET /Products/IsNonInventory/{noninv} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIsProductionForproducGet | GET /Products/IsProduction/{forproduc} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsIsWorkOrderForworkordGet | GET /Products/IsWorkOrder/{forworkord} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsOnHandOnhandGet | GET /Products/OnHand/{onhand} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsOnHoldOnholdGet | GET /Products/OnHold/{onhold} | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsPost | POST /Products | - |
RGSAProductsApi | Invoke-RGSAProductsProductCodeProdcodeGet | GET /Products/ProductCode/{prodcode} | - |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramIdGet | GET /Program/{id} | Returns a single program record that correseponds to the provided ID |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramIdPatch | PATCH /Program/{id} | Allows updating a program object without passing the entire object. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramPackageAllGet | GET /Program/Package/All | Returns all package information. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramPackageIdGet | GET /Program/Package/{id} | Returns detailed package information for the package with the specified ID. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramPackagePost | POST /Program/Package | Adds the programs/special jobs contained within the package to the customers account. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramPost | POST /Program | Inserts and program and it's corresponding services. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramPut | PUT /Program | Update a program record using the entire model. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramQuoteBuildPost | POST /Program/Quote/Build | Returns an accurate pricing quote for the supplied program definition IDs |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramRevenuePost | POST /Program/Revenue | Returns gross price, discount amounts, and net revenue for the specified programs. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramSearchGet | GET /Program/Search | Perform a search for all customer programs and special jobs that match the provided criteria. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramSearchPost | POST /Program/Search | Perform a search for all customer programs and special jobs that match the provided criteria. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramSimpleBuildPost | POST /Program/Simple/Build | Builds a program and its service records. |
RGSAProgramApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramSimplePost | POST /Program/Simple | Inserts a program using minimum requirements. |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCodeIdGet | GET /ProgramCode/Code/{id} | Returns a single program code record that corresponds to the provided program code. |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCompanyGet | GET /ProgramCode/Company | Returns a list of programs that are available forthe specified company IDs Warning: This includes inactive ProgramCodes |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeCompanyPost | POST /ProgramCode/Company | Returns a list of programs that are available forthe specified company IDs |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeGet | GET /ProgramCode | Returns a list of all program code parameters from the database. |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeIdGet | GET /ProgramCode/{id} | Returns a single program code record that correseponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAProgramCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramCodeIdServicesGet | GET /ProgramCode/{id}/Services | Returns the services that are contained within a program/repeating special. |
RGSAProgramTypeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramTypeGet | GET /ProgramType | - |
RGSAProgramTypeApi | Invoke-RGSAProgramTypeProgtypeGet | GET /ProgramType/{progtype} | - |
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi | Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryAnyBranchAnybranchGet | GET /PropertyInventory/AnyBranch/{anybranch} | Returns a list of property inventory parameters that are/are not available for all companies/branches based on the provided anybranch value. |
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi | Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryCategoryIDInvcatidGet | GET /PropertyInventory/CategoryID/{invcatid} | Returns a list of property inventory parameters that are assigned the provided InventoryCategoryID. |
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi | Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryGet | GET /PropertyInventory | Returns a list of all property inventory parameters in the database. |
RGSAPropertyInventoryApi | Invoke-RGSAPropertyInventoryIdGet | GET /PropertyInventory/{id} | Returns a single property inventory parameter that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSARejectCodeApi | Deny-RGSACodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /RejectCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of reject codes that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSARejectCodeApi | Deny-RGSACodeGet | GET /RejectCode | Returns all reject codes in the database. |
RGSARejectCodeApi | Deny-RGSACodeIdGet | GET /RejectCode/{id} | Returns a single reject code that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedGet | GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended | Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars broken down by company. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedPost | POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended | Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars broken down by company. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended/Summary | Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisExtendedSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Extended/Summary | Returns a balance analysis summary with additional information involving prepay dollars. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisGet | GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis | Returns a summary of customer balances broken down by company and aging category. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisPost | POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis | Returns a summary of customer balances broken down by company and aging category. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Summary | Returns a summary of customer balances. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBalanceAnalysisSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/BalanceAnalysis/Summary | Returns a summary of customer balances. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBillingTypeSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/BillingTypeSummary | Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingBillingTypeSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/BillingTypeSummary | Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCAWRegistrationSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/CAW/RegistrationSummary | Returns CAW registration / autopay stats for all companies. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCAWRegistrationSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/CAW/RegistrationSummary | Returns CAW registration / autopay stats for specified companies. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCancelStatisticsByReasonGet | GET /Reporting/CancelStatisticsByReason | Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days). |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCancelStatisticsByReasonPost | POST /Reporting/CancelStatisticsByReason | Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days). |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCashInGet | GET /Reporting/CashIn | Returns a summary of payments received based on the provided criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCashInPost | POST /Reporting/CashIn | Returns a summary of payments received based on the provided criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerCreatedGet | GET /Reporting/Customer/Created | Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been created witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerCreatedPost | POST /Reporting/Customer/Created | Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been created witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerUpdatedGet | GET /Reporting/Customer/Updated | Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been updated witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingCustomerUpdatedPost | POST /Reporting/Customer/Updated | Returns a list of customer numbers for customers that have been updated witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingDiscountsSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/Discounts/Summary | Returns a list of given and remaining discount amounts broken down by discount code. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingDiscountsSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/Discounts/Summary | Returns a list of given and remaining discount amounts broken down by discount code. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingEmailPenetrationGet | GET /Reporting/EmailPenetration | Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingEmailPenetrationPost | POST /Reporting/EmailPenetration | Returns a count of active programs and counts of their billtypes in the current season. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCreditHoldSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/Financial/CreditHold/Summary | Returns a summary of balances due for customers that are on credit hold |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCreditHoldSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/Financial/CreditHold/Summary | Returns a summary of balances due for customers that are on credit hold |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCustomerValueGet | GET /Reporting/Financial/CustomerValue | Returns a single decimal summary of the average customer value for the specified criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialCustomerValuePost | POST /Reporting/Financial/CustomerValue | Returns a single decimal summary of the average customer value for the specified criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialNewSaleCancelsGet | GET /Reporting/Financial/NewSaleCancels | Returns a summary of sales and cancel numbers for the speific date ranges |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingFinancialNewSaleCancelsPost | POST /Reporting/Financial/NewSaleCancels | Returns a summary of sales and cancel numbers for the speific date ranges |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingLeadSourceSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/LeadSource/Summary | Returns a count and dollar amount summary of all leads, rejected leads, and sold leads within the specified time frame broken down by source. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingLeadSourceSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/LeadSource/Summary | Returns a count and dollar amount summary of all leads, rejected leads, and sold leads within the specified time frame broken down by source. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingNPSGet | GET /Reporting/NPS | Returns an NPS report for the specified criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingNPSPost | POST /Reporting/NPS | Returns an NPS report for the specified criteria. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingPrepaySummaryGet | GET /Reporting/Prepay/Summary | Returns a list of given and remaining prepay amounts broken down by prepay code. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingPrepaySummaryPost | POST /Reporting/Prepay/Summary | Returns a list of given and remaining prepay amounts broken down by prepay code. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByProgramGet | GET /Reporting/Production/ByProgram | Returns a summary of production that is broken down by program. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByProgramPost | POST /Reporting/Production/ByProgram | Returns a summary of production that is broken down by program. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionBySalesPersonGet | GET /Reporting/Production/BySalesPerson | Returns a summary of production numbers separated by sales person. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionBySalesPersonPost | POST /Reporting/Production/BySalesPerson | Returns a summary of production numbers separated by sales person. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByServiceGet | GET /Reporting/Production/ByService | Returns a summary of production thatis broken down by service. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProductionByServicePost | POST /Reporting/Production/ByService | Returns a summary of production thatis broken down by service. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramCreatedGet | GET /Reporting/Program/Created | Returns a list of program IDs for programs/special jobs that have been created witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramCreatedPost | POST /Reporting/Program/Created | Returns a list of program IDs for programs/special jobs that have been created witin the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramUpdatedGet | GET /Reporting/Program/Updated | Returns a list of program IDs for program/special jobs that have been updated within the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingProgramUpdatedPost | POST /Reporting/Program/Updated | Returns a list of program IDs for program/special jobs that have been updated within the specified time frame. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingRevenueServiceYearRemainingGet | GET /Reporting/Revenue/ServiceYearRemaining | Returns a dollar amount summary of Total Incomplete Services, Total Completed And Unpaid, Installment Charges Not Posted, Unpaid Posted Installments |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingRevenueServiceYearRemainingPost | POST /Reporting/Revenue/ServiceYearRemaining | Returns a dollar amount summary of Total Incomplete Services, Total Completed And Unpaid, Installment Charges Not Posted, Unpaid Posted Installments |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeGet | GET /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee | Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee and copmany. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeePost | POST /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee | Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee and copmany. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee/Summary | Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSalesByEmployeeSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/Sales/ByEmployee/Summary | Returns a summary of gross and net sales broken down by employee. |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSchedulingSkippedServicesSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/Scheduling/SkippedServices/Summary | Returns a summary of skipped service information by reason |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSchedulingSkippedServicesSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/Scheduling/SkippedServices/Summary | Returns a summary of skipped service information by reason |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundGet | GET /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round | Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle separated by company/branch |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundPost | POST /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round | Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle separated by company/branch |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round/Summary | Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingSeasonSummaryRoundSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/SeasonSummary/Round/Summary | Returns a season summary report by Round/Cycle |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingServiceCallResponseSummaryGet | GET /Reporting/ServiceCallResponse/Summary | Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days). |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingServiceCallResponseSummaryPost | POST /Reporting/ServiceCallResponse/Summary | Returns service call scheduled counts, completed counts, and response time (in days). |
RGSAReportingApi | Invoke-RGSAReportingWeeklyProductivityReportPost | POST /Reporting/WeeklyProductivityReport | - |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteAllProgramsAllprogGet | GET /Route/AllPrograms/{allprog} | Returns a list of routes that are/are not available for all programs/specials based on the provided AllProg value. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Route/Available/{available} | Returns a list of route that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteCompanyIDCompIdGet | GET /Route/CompanyID/{comp_id} | Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the corresponding Company ID. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteCrewIDCrewIdGet | GET /Route/CrewID/{crew_id} | Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the specified CrewID. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteEmployeeIDEmpIdGet | GET /Route/EmployeeID/{emp_id} | Returns a list of routes that are assigned to the specified employee. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteGet | GET /Route | Returns all routes in the database. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteIdGet | GET /Route/{id} | Returns a single route record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSARouteApi | Invoke-RGSARouteZoneIDZoneIdGet | GET /Route/ZoneID/{zone_id} | Returns a list of routes that as assigned the provided ZoneID. |
RGSASecurityCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASecurityCodeGet | GET /SecurityCode | Returns all security code parameters in the database. |
RGSASecurityCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASecurityCodeIdGet | GET /SecurityCode/{id} | Returns a single security code record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAServiceApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceAllocationsPost | POST /Service/Allocations | Returns a summary of service amount and allocations for the services specified. |
RGSAServiceApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceSearchGet | GET /Service/Search | Returns a list of services that match the provided criteria. |
RGSAServiceApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceSearchPost | POST /Service/Search | Returns a list of services that match the provided criteria. |
RGSAServiceApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceServiceIdGet | GET /Service/{serviceId} | Returns a single service record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAServiceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /ServiceCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of service codes that are (available=true) or are not (avaialble=false) avaialble. |
RGSAServiceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeCodeServiceCodeGet | GET /ServiceCode/Code/{serviceCode} | Returns a single service code for the provided service ID |
RGSAServiceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeGet | GET /ServiceCode | Returns all service code parameters in the database. |
RGSAServiceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceCodeServiceCodeServiceCodeGet | GET /ServiceCode/ServiceCode/{serviceCode} | Returns a single service code for the provided service ID |
RGSAServiceConditionsApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsIdGet | GET /ServiceConditions/{id} | - |
RGSAServiceConditionsApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsSearchPost | POST /ServiceConditions/Search | - |
RGSAServiceConditionsApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceConditionsServiceIDServiceIdGet | GET /ServiceConditions/ServiceID/{service_id} | - |
RGSAServiceStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceStatusGet | GET /ServiceStatus | - |
RGSAServiceStatusApi | Invoke-RGSAServiceStatusIdGet | GET /ServiceStatus/{id} | - |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeActiveOrPassiveActorpassGet | GET /SourceCode/ActiveOrPassive/{actorpass} | Returns a list of source code parameters that are either active (1) or passive (0) sources. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeAnyBranchAnybranchGet | GET /SourceCode/AnyBranch/{anybranch} | Returns a list of sources that are/are not available for all branches based on the provided AnyBranch value. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeAvailableAvailableGet | GET /SourceCode/Available/{available} | Returns a list of source codes that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeGet | GET /SourceCode | Returns all source code parameters in the database. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeHandheldHandheldGet | GET /SourceCode/Handheld/{handheld} | Returns a list of source codes that are/are not available on handhelds based on the provided handheld value. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeIdGet | GET /SourceCode/{id} | Returns a single source code record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodePost | POST /SourceCode | Insert a source code into the database. |
RGSASourceCodeApi | Invoke-RGSASourceCodeSourceAbbreviationSrcabbrevGet | GET /SourceCode/SourceAbbreviation/{srcabbrev} | Returns a single source code parameter record that is assigned the provided SourceAbbreviation. |
RGSASubdivisionApi | Invoke-RGSASubdivisionAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Subdivision/Available/{available} | Returns a list of subdivisions that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSASubdivisionApi | Invoke-RGSASubdivisionCompanyIDCompIdGet | GET /Subdivision/CompanyID/{comp_id} | Returns a list of subdivisions that are assigned the provided Company ID. |
RGSASubdivisionApi | Invoke-RGSASubdivisionGet | GET /Subdivision | Returns all subdivisions in the database. |
RGSASubdivisionApi | Invoke-RGSASubdivisionIdGet | GET /Subdivision/{id} | Returns a single subdivision that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSASubdivisionApi | Invoke-RGSASubdivisionNameSubnameGet | GET /Subdivision/Name/{subname} | Returns a list of subdivisions that are assigned the provided SubName. |
RGSASuffixApi | Invoke-RGSASuffixFullSuffixFullsuffixGet | GET /Suffix/FullSuffix/{fullsuffix} | Returns a single suffix record that is assigned the provided full suffix. |
RGSASuffixApi | Invoke-RGSASuffixGet | GET /Suffix | Returns all suffixes in the database. |
RGSASuffixApi | Invoke-RGSASuffixIdGet | GET /Suffix/{id} | Returns a single suffix that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSATaxApi | Invoke-RGSATaxAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Tax/Available/{available} | Returns a list of tax parameters that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSATaxApi | Invoke-RGSATaxGet | GET /Tax | Returns all tax codes in the database. |
RGSATaxApi | Invoke-RGSATaxIdGet | GET /Tax/{id} | Returns a single tax record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSATerritoryApi | Invoke-RGSATerritoryAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Territory/Available/{available} | Returns a list of territory records that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSATerritoryApi | Invoke-RGSATerritoryCompanyIDCompIdGet | GET /Territory/CompanyID/{comp_id} | Returns a list of territory records that are assigned to the provided CompanyID. |
RGSATerritoryApi | Invoke-RGSATerritoryGet | GET /Territory | Returns all territoriese in the database. |
RGSATerritoryApi | Invoke-RGSATerritoryIdGet | GET /Territory/{id} | Returns a single territory parameter record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSATitleApi | Invoke-RGSATitleGet | GET /Title | Returns all title records in the database. |
RGSATitleApi | Invoke-RGSATitleIdGet | GET /Title/{id} | Returns a single title record that correseponds to the provided ID. |
RGSATopicApi | Invoke-RGSATopicGet | GET /Topic | Returns all topics |
RGSATopicApi | Invoke-RGSATopicIdGet | GET /Topic/{id} | Returns a single call topic that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSATopicApi | Invoke-RGSATopicIdPatch | PATCH /Topic/{id} | Update a portion of a topic without sending the entire topic object. |
RGSATopicApi | Invoke-RGSATopicPost | POST /Topic | Insert a new call topic. |
RGSATopicApi | Invoke-RGSATopicPut | PUT /Topic | Update an entire existing call topic. |
RGSAUtilitiesApi | Invoke-RGSAUtilitiesYearEndPriceIncreasePost | POST /Utilities/YearEnd/PriceIncrease | - |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleAvailableAvailableGet | GET /Vehicle/Available/{available} | Returns a list of vehicle records that are/are not available based on the provided available value. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleCompanyIDCompIdGet | GET /Vehicle/CompanyID/{comp_id} | Returns a list of vehicles that are assigned to the provided Company ID. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleGet | GET /Vehicle | Returns all vehicles in the database. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleIdGet | GET /Vehicle/{id} | Returns a single vehicle record that corresponds to the provided ID. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleLicenseNumberLicensenoGet | GET /Vehicle/LicenseNumber/{licenseno} | Returns a single vehicle record that corresponds to the provided license number. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleMakeMakeGet | GET /Vehicle/Make/{make} | Returns a list of vehicles that are of the specified Make. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleVINVinGet | GET /Vehicle/VIN/{vin} | Returns a single vehicle that is assigned the provided VIN. |
RGSAVehicleApi | Invoke-RGSAVehicleYearModelyearGet | GET /Vehicle/Year/{modelyear} | Returns a list of vehicles that are of the provided model year. |
RGSAZipCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAZipCodeAllGet | GET /ZipCode/All | Returns all zip code records in the database. |
RGSAZipCodeApi | Invoke-RGSAZipCodeGet | GET /ZipCode | Returns all zip code records in the database. |
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APICustomerInsert
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIEmployee
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIEmployeeInsert
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIError
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIErrorCodes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIFlagInsert
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.APIProductInsert
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ActionStatus
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.AddInstallmentRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.AddInstallmentResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Address
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.AdjustmentCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.AssemblyInfo
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Attachment
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.AuditLogSearchCommon
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BalanceAnalysis
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BalanceAnalysisExtended
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BalanceAnalysisExtendedSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BalanceAnalysisRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BalanceAnalysisSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Batch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BatchLookup
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BatchType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BillType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BillTypeSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.BillTypeSummaryCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CAWRegistrationSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CallAhead
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CallLogNote
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CallLogSimple
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CallLogWithNotes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CallReason
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CancelReason
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CashIn
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CashInDateType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CashInRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Company
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CompanyID
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CompanyIDsAndDateRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ContractPlanStatus
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CreditHoldSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CreditHoldSummaryCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Customer
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerContactPreferences
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerContactPreferencesProperties
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerFlag
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerFlagAPIRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerFlagModifierBulk
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerProperty
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.CustomerValueRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DateBasedOn
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DateRanges
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DateTimeRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DecimalRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DetailedPriceTable
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DiscountCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DiscountPricing
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DiscountSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DiscountSummaryRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DocumentCategory
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.DoneByEmployee
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.EmailPenetration
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.EmailPenetrationCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Flag
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.FullPackage
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.FullProgram
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.HistoryItemSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.HistorySearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.HoldCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.IndividualInstallment
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.InstallmentPaymentFrequency
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.IntRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.JobTypes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Keys
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.LeadForm
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.LeadFormResponseObject
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.LeadSourceSummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.LeadSourceSummaryRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.LocationType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.MobileCustomerSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NPSRecord
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NPSRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NPSResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NewSaleCancels
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NewSaleCancelsRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.NonServiceDetail
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Operation
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.OperationType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Package
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PackageProgram
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Phone
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PhoneSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PhoneTypes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PreferredPhoneType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PrepayAdjustmentServiceModel
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PrepayAdjustmentServiceStatus
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PrepayCodeLookup
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PrepaySummary
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PrepaySummaryCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PriceByTypes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PriceIncreaseCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PriceRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PriceTable
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProductionParams
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProductionRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProductionResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProductsUsed
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Program
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramCancelReasonStatsCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramCancelReasonStatsResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramCodes
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramID
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramJobLength
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramPrice
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramPriceRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramProductionBySalesPerson
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramProductionBySalesPersonRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramRevenue
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramService
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ProgramServicePrice
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PropertyInventory
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PropertyItemCategory
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.PropertyItemType
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.RejectCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.RevenueRemaining
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.RoundCycleCompanyDetail
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.RoundCycleDetail
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Route
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SalesByEmployee
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SalesByEmployeeBase
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SalesByEmployeeRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SeasonSummaryByRoundCycleCompanyResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SeasonSummaryByRoundCycleCriteria
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SeasonSummaryByRoundCycleResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SecurityCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Service
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceAllocationItem
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceAllocationRecord
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceCallResponseRates
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceID
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceSearch
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ServiceServiceHistory
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SimplePackageDTO
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SimpleProgramDTO
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SkipServicesAPIResult
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SkipServicesRequest
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SourceCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SourceCodeCompany
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SourceCodeInsert
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.StatementFrequency
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.StringRange
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Subdivision
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Suffix
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.SuffixAlternates
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Tax
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TaxSimple
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TelematicsIdleConfiguration
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TelematicsMobileTokenResponseModel
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TelematicsTrackingConfiguration
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TelematicsTrackingTime
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Territory
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TimeSpan
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Title
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Topic
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TransactionCode
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.TranslateableString
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.UnitOfMeasure
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.Vehicle
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.WeeklyProductivitySearchCriteriaAPI
- RealGreenSaPS\Model.ZipCode
Endpoints do not require authorization.