A small game I'm writing to learn Rust
Design your own weapons, shoot and kill your family, friends and coworkers. Identify as a square of bright colors. Press buttons. Have fun.
##Current status
- More shapes of weapons (
circle,rectangle, triangle) - Rotation of shape (will make hit detection with obstacles harder)
- More events for weapons (timed)
- Multiple weapons
- Life bars
- Jetpack fuel bars
- Scorekeeping
- Fullscreen
- Deployment on computers without Rust installed (works with MSVC++ redist on windows)
- Sound effects (using synth)
- Weapon builder
- Performance tuning (Very Sleepy? use glium or gfx directly instead of piston?)
- Menus and stuff
- Background image (parallax scrolling?)
- Obstacles (destructible?)
- Player names
- Modify property on event (using set, add or multiply)
- Gradient colors (and alpha)
- Acceleration property
- Speed additive or multiplicative (for different types of projectiles)
- Recoil and impact force
- Tests
- Gravity property
- Music!
- Size of player relative to health
##Design decisions
- Jetpack as a device instead? (requires recoil)
- Large map with zoom in on players?
- Images as players/projectiles/obstacles or keep it simple?