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This repository contains useful python code for G54MRT


grovepi-base The base classes for talking to the grovepi, useful if you have your own pi. The lab raspberry pi kits get their code from here.

sensors1 Code and sample data referred to in sensors 1 lecture

sensors2 Code and sample data referred to in sensors 2 lecture

sensors3 Code referred to in sensors 3 lecture

sensors4 Code and sample data referred to in sensors 4 lecture

code-requests Code which we wrote when people wanted to do particular things

  • If you run this on your PI, it will host a web server which is similar to the fixed sensor boxes, so you can read data from a PC via HTTP.

  • wxPython code which is used in lectures to show live sensor graphs

  • An example of a basic state machine based logic for dealing with sensor data

othersensors Code for talking to sensors which we don't actually have, where we helped people with accessing their own sensors.

install-your-own-pi.txt Instructions for installing the grovepi stuff from scratch on your own raspberry pi. We can flash you a card with the lab image if you don't want to do this.