Provisions and updates a Fedora Workstation host (tested w/ Fedora38) using Ansible.
git clone
cd fedora
Edit config.yml to enable/disable installation of certain packages (vscode, docker, Steam, KiCad, LaTeX, zsh)
Will prompt twice for password, once for sudo (to install Ansible), and a second time to run the ansible playbook--note this will ask for BECOME password--this is the sudo password. again based on timeout), then again immediately after partially breaking appearance of the terminal.
Updates DNF cache, and updates computer
Enables parallel downloads for DNF
Hides LibreOffice and removes other pre-installed apps I don't use
Enables RPMFusion repositories
Installs Visual Studio Code
Tweaks VS Code's shortcuts and appearance slightly
Installs Steam, Goverlay, and mangohud if config.yml is set (not installed by default)
Configures Gnome:
- Multiple keyboard layouts
- Enables fractional scaling
- Clock settings in top bar
- Dark Mode
- Virtual desktop tweaks
- Pins app to favorite
Configures Gnome Terminal
Installs oh-my-zsh, and zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting extensions
Copies dotfiles for vim and zsh
Changes user's shell to zsh