Recently one game, Craverly Heights by Ryan Veeder, has been ported to several IF languages. The original was written in Inform 7, and Linus Åkesson ported it to dialog. Henrik Åsman then ported it to ZIL, and now I have ported it to PunyInform.
Fredrik Ramsberg then ported the PunyInform version to Inform 6, and both version are included in this repository. It is interesting to compare the PunyInform and Inform 6 version to see how small changes are usually needed to convert a game from one format to the other.
I have tried to stay true to the original disposition of the source code to make it possible to compare the original Inform 7 vs Dialog vs ZIL vs PunyInform.
The file obviously contains lot of spoilers so be sure to try the original game if you not already done that. There are seven different endings, try finding them all!
The original can be played online here:
The Inform 7 and Dialog source code are here:
The ZIL version can be found here: The ZIL version is also discussed here: