This project contains a function for ingesting data from Google Cloud Storage to BigQuery using batch load. The function can be deployed to Cloud Functions and triggered with an HTTP POST request.
The data sources are configured in the
file resources/config/batch-ingestion.yaml. There are four examples, each for a
different source format. The source objects are ingested to time partitioned BigQuery tables. The configuration
file is templated with the fields .Bucket
and .Date
representing the bucket containing data and the date of
Below are the options that can be configured in the yaml configuration file. See pkg/data_source.go for details about specific file type options.
Key | Description |
source_uri | GCS source URI |
source_format | Source format: AVRO , CSV , NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON , PARQUET |
avro_options | Options for avro files |
csv_options | Options for csv files |
parquet_options | Options for parquet files |
auto_detect | Whether schema should be auto-detected from file |
dataset_id | BigQuery dataset id |
table_id | BigQuery table id |
create_disposition | BigQuery create disposition: CREATE_IF_NEEDED , CREATE_NEVER |
write_disposition | BigQuery write disposition: WRITE_APPEND , WRITE_EMPTY , WRITE_TRUNCATE |
- Go version 1.19
- Gcloud SDK
Install dependencies
go mod download
Run unit tests
go test ./...
Set environment variables
Variable | Description |
PROJECT | GCP project |
BUCKET | Bucket with source data |
FUNCTION_TARGET | Function entrypoint. Should be set to IngestBatch |
PORT | Port for web server. If not set, will listen on 8080 |
Run application
go run cmd/main.go
Invoke the function by making an HTTP POST request with a body containing a date in the format %Y-%m-%d
curl -i -X POST ${URL} \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"date":"2022-04-30"}'
Set environment variables
Variable | Description |
PROJECT | GCP project |
REGION | Region |
CLOUD_FUNCTION_SA | Email of service account used for Cloud Function. Needs the roles:
FUNCTION_NAME | Name of function |
BUCKET | Bucket with source data |
Deploy to Cloud Functions
gcloud functions deploy ${FUNCTION_NAME} \
--gen2 \
--project=${PROJECT} \
--region=${REGION} \
--trigger-http \
--runtime=go119 \
--entry-point=IngestBatch \
--service-account=${CLOUD_FUNCTION_SA} \
--set-env-vars=PROJECT=${PROJECT},BUCKET=${BUCKET} \
Set URL and token
URL=$(gcloud functions describe ${FUNCTION_NAME} --gen2 --region=${REGION} --format="value(serviceConfig.uri)")
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-identity-token)
Invoke the function by making an HTTP POST request with a body containing a date in the format %Y-%m-%d
curl -i -X POST ${URL} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"date":"2022-04-30"}'