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Johannesson Lab

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Built with Lab Website Template

This repository hosts the source code and data for the Johannesson lab web page.

Update the site

Internal user guide for the johannessonlab administrator

Adding lab members

Add new members in the _members directory as new .md files. Simplest way is to copy a present member, change file name, and edit metadata. Add a photo in the images directory.

Removing lab members

Removing active lab members is done by changing the group from group: current to group: alum in the member data.

Adding publications

Add new publications by making new entries in data/sources.yaml. Only the DOI number is necessary, but an image can also be added. Important: after adding the DOI number in sources.yaml, needs to be run. You will have to install some dependencies first. See the lab website template documentations for details.

Installing dependencies:

pip install importlib
pip install dict_hash
pip install --upgrade manubot

manubot defaults to install in $HOME/.local/bin/. You may have to add it to PATH:

export "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Make a news post

Make news posts by adding files in _posts. The files need to be named according to jekyll blog post format, i.e. with the date first. Easiest is to copy a previous post and edit the information.

After all changes are done in the source code, commit and push changes as per usual. Pushed changes are automatically updated by github-pages.


Tags in news posts, research projects, publications, etc need to be indented by two spaces in the yaml front matter. Each tag on a new line, else spaces aren't included in the tag.