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check_jitter Documentation ISC licensed

This plugin will measure network jitter by sending a number of ICMP pings to a host and calculate the average jitter based on the differences between consecutive round trip times.

Example Command

check_jitter -H -w 10 -c 20 -m 5 -M 50 -s 30 -a median
           |              |     |     |    |     |     |    |
           |              |     |     |    |     |     |    +- Aggregation method: median
           |              |     |     |    |     |     +------ Number of pings to send: 30
           |              |     |     |    |     +------------ Max interval between pings: 50ms
           |              |     |     |    +------------------ Min interval between pings: 5ms
           |              |     |     +----------------------- Critical jitter limit: 20ms
           |              |     +----------------------------- Warning jitter limit: 10ms
           |              +----------------------------------- Host:
           +-------------------------------------------------- Command: check_jitter

OK - Median Jitter: 0.182ms | 'Median Jitter'=0.182ms;0:10;0:20;0
|                                         |       |     |    |  |
|                                         |       |     |    |  +- Minimum possible value (always 0)
|                                         |       |     |    +---- Critical range: 0 to 20ms
|                                         |       |     +--------- Warning range: 0 to 10ms
|                                         |       +--------------- Median jitter: 0.182ms
|                                         +----------------------- Performance data label: 'Median Jitter'
+----------------------------------------------------------------- Status: OK

Explanation of Output:
- Status: OK
  Indicates that the median jitter is within acceptable limits.

- Median Jitter: 0.182ms
  The aggregated median jitter value.

- Performance Data:
  'Median Jitter'=0.182ms;0:10;0:20;0
   |                  |    |    |   |
   |                  |    |    |   +- Minimum possible value (always 0)
   |                  |    |    +----- Critical range: 0 to 20ms
   |                  |    +---------- Warning range: 0 to 10ms
   |                  +--------------- Median jitter value: 0.182ms
   +---------------------------------- Performance data label: 'Median Jitter'

- Unit of Measurement (uom): ms (milliseconds)
  Indicates the measurement unit used in the performance data.

Reason for Status:
The command did not trigger a warning or critical alert because:
- The median jitter value (0.182ms) is within the defined warning range (0 to 10ms).
- The median jitter value (0.182ms) is within the defined critical range (0 to 20ms).

Help Text

check_jitter - A monitoring plugin that measures network jitter.


The plugin can aggregate the deltas from multiple samples in the following ways:
- average: the average of all deltas (arithmetic mean) [default]
- median: the median of all deltas
- max: the maximum of all deltas
- min: the minimum of all deltas


If the hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses, the plugin will use the first
address returned by the DNS resolver and skip the rest.


While using a hostname is supported, consider using IP addresses instead. It's
better to set up multiple tests to cover each IP individually rather than relying
on hostname resolution.


The number of pings to send to the target host. Must be greater than 2.


When -m and -M are both set to 0, the plugin will send pings immediately after
receiving a response.

When -m and -M are set to the same value, the plugin will send pings at a fixed

When -m and -M are set to different values, the plugin will send pings at random
intervals between the two values.

-m must be less than or equal to -M.


Thresholds are defined using monitoring plugin range syntax.

Example ranges:
| Range definition | Generate an alert if x...                       |
| 10               | < 0 or > 10, (outside the range of {0 .. 10})   |
| 10:              | < 10, (outside {10 .. ‚àû})                       |
| ~:10             | > 10, (outside the range of {-‚àû .. 10})         |
| 10:20            | < 10 or > 20, (outside the range of {10 .. 20}) |
| @10:20           | ≥ 10 and ≤ 20, (inside the range of {10 .. 20}) |

Usage: check_jitter [OPTIONS] --host <HOST>

  -a, --aggregation-method <AGGREGATION_METHOD>
          Aggregation method to use for multiple samples [default: average]
  -c, --critical <CRITICAL>
          Critical limit for network jitter in milliseconds
  -D, --dgram-socket
          Use a datagram socket instead of a raw socket (expert option)
  -H, --host <HOST>
          Hostname or IP address to ping
  -m, --min-interval <MIN_INTERVAL>
          Minimum interval between ping samples in milliseconds [default: 0]
  -M, --max-interval <MAX_INTERVAL>
          Maximum interval between ping samples in milliseconds [default: 0]
  -p, --precision <PRECISION>
          Precision of the output decimal places [default: 3]
  -s, --samples <SAMPLES>
          Sample size: the number of pings to send [default: 10]
  -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout in milliseconds per individual ping check [default: 1000]
  -w, --warning <WARNING>
          Warning limit for network jitter in milliseconds
  -v, --verbose...
          Enable verbose output. Use multiple times to increase verbosity (e.g. -vvv)
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


Download the latest Linux or Windows binary from the latest release page.

Use together with NRPE or similar, preferably with Opsview.

Note that the plugin requires elevated permissions, so you will have to use setuid or setcap cap_net_raw+ep on the binary.


Copyright © 2024 Johan Thorén

This project is released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more details.