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JVim Plugin

Version 2.0


Install this plugin as you would any other vim plugin
Vundle example:

Plugin 'john-warnes/jvim'

vim-plug example:

Plug 'john-warnes/jvim'


  • Fixing Quickfix Window Size
  • Folding Defaults
  • Use detected file sytnax for code folding support
  • Automatically return to the last position of previously edited files
  • Spell check on by default
  • Mouse support for terminal vim
  • Use system clipboard for vim
  • Show trailing white space
  • Show EOL marked (off by default)
  • Show many hidden characters: Tabs, NBSP, Extends, Precedes
  • Show simple indent guide for indented files
  • Persistent Undo (undo saved on a previously edited file)
  • Many helpful mapping for the new users
    • Same mappings supported with regular vim movement keys
  • Many other useful key mapping


Place options before your Plug 'john-warnes/jvim' line in vimrc
Options shown with defaults

let g:JV_vimDir             = $HOME/.vim         " Setup Vim Directory
let g:JV_showTrailing       = 1                  " Show Tailing Spaces
let g:JV_showEol            = 0                  " Show EOL marker
let g:JV_usePresistent_Undo = 1                  " Use persistent Undo
let g:JV_colorColumn        = 81                 " Set long line guide
let g:JV_red                = 'GruvboxRedBold'   " Highlight link for Red
let g:JV_useSystemClipboard = 1                  " Try to use system clipboard
let g:JV_IndentGuide        = 1                  " Show indent guides when (F2 Toggle)
let g:JV_codePretty         = 1                  " Replace some chars with alternatives (F2 Toggle)
let g:JV_quickFixHeightMin  = 3                  " Limit the MIN size of the quick fix window
let g:JV_quickFixHeightMax  = 10                 " Limit the MAX size of the quick fix window
let g:JV_foldingSyntax      = 1                  " Enable fold=syntax for all files
                                                 " NOTE:Might be slow on older systems
let g:JV_foldingDefault     = 2                  " Folding Mode on File Open
                                                 "   0 no default (might remember last)
                                                 "   1 open all folds on file open
                                                 "   2 close all folds on file open
                                                 "   NOTE: <t><t> normal mode to toggle folds

Window Creation/Deletion

<Ctrl+w><Del> or <C-w><BackSpace> to close current window
<Ctrl+w>| or <Ctrl+w>\ Create new file in vertical split window
<Ctrl+w>- or <Ctrl+=> Create new file in horizontal split window
NOTE Use the mouse for easy control over window splits [Click] and [Drag] on window the separator

Window and Tab Movement

<C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> Change current tab
<Ctrl+Left> and <Ctrl+Right> Move cursor to Left/Right Window, or if at screen edge change to Next/Prev Tab
<Ctrl+Up> and <Ctrl+Down> Move cursor to Up/Down Window
<Leader><Arrow Key> does the same as <Ctrl+Arrow Key>
<Alt+Left> Move current tab left
<Alt+Right> Move current tab right


:TrimFile Trim trailing white space(s) from current file
:w!! Force saving current file with sudo (protected file)

Visual Mode

<tab> Jump to matching braces, parentheses, etc
< or > Indent or unindent lines selected lines
<S-home> Visually select from cursor to star of line
<S-end> Visually select from cursor to end of line

Normal Mode

Code Folding

<t><t> Toggle open/close current fold
<z><M> Close all folds
<z><R> Open all folds


<f><t> open file under cursor in new tab (or current file)
<f><f> open file under cursor in new vertical split window (or current file)


<Leader>/ or <Ctrl+n> Clear current search highlight
<leader>p Manually toggle Paste Mode use if you have problems pasting into vim from outside programs


<tab> Jump to matching (braces, parentheses, etc)


<F2> Show/hide indent guides and CodePretty()

Indent guide example
Indent Guide Example

Example of codePretty text changes Indent Guide Example

Spelling Help

== to autocorrect word under cursor
z= to list possible corrections of word under cursor
u to undo

GUI menu

<F4> Open Terminal version of the GUI menu

  • Use <Left>, <Right> or <Tab> to navigate
  • <Enter> to select
  • <Esc> to quit

Vim Scripting

<Shift+F5> re-source current file (vim files only)

Other fixes

Command Mode

:Q becomes q
:Q! becomes q!
:W becomes w
:W! becomes w!


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