* Application initialization improvements:
* Removed application initialization responsibility from `Mage` class
* Introduces entry points, which are responsible for different types of requests processing: HTTP, media, cron, indexing, console installing, etc.
* New configuration classes are introduced and each of them is responsible for specific section of configuration
* Class rewrites functionality removed from `Mage_Core_Model_Config` model. DI configuration should be used for rewriting classes
* Added ability to configure object manager with array in addition to object and scalar values
* VDE improvements:
* Theme CSS files viewing and uploading/downloading of custom CSS file
* Updated styling of VDE Tools panel
* Refactored various components to an analogous jQuery widget:
* Refactored components:
* Category navigation
* Products management and gallery
* Send to friend
* Sales components, including orders and returns
* Retrieve shipping rates and add/remove coupon in shopping cart
* Customer address and address book
* Customer wishlist
* "Contact Us" form
* Weee
* New tabs widget is used instead of `Varien.Tabs`
* Refactored `Varien.dateRangeDate` and `Varien.FileElement`
* Replaced `$.mage.constants` with jQuery UI `$.ui.keyCode` for keyboard key codes
* Refactored configurable attribute, category parent and attribute set selectors to use suggest widget
* Bug fixes:
* Improvements and bug fixes in new backend theme
* Image, categories attributes and virtual/downloadable fields are displayed on Update Attributes page, where they shouldn't be present
* Undefined config property in `reloadOptionLabels()` function in `configurable.js` (Chrome)
* Impossible to edit existing customer/product tax class
* Incorrect format of customer's "Date of Birth"
* Theme preview images are absent in VDE
* Search by backslash doesn't work for Categories field on product creation page
* Impossible to assign a category to a product, if category name contains HTML tag
* Incorrect URL generated for logo image