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A collection of useful Map Reduce programs that provide insight on HTML documents stored on an Apache Hadoop file system maintained by the University of Notre Dame.

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A collection of useful Map Reduce programs that provide insight on HTML documents stored on the HDFS file system maintained by the University of Notre Dame.


  • Hadoop
  • Python 3

File Descriptions

  • htmltohosts: Read HTML on the standard input, find the A HREF tags, and emit only the hostnames present in those tags, one per line.
  • htmltowords: Read HTML on the standard input, remove extraneous items such as tags and punctuation, and emit only simple lowercase words of three or more characters, one per line.
  • WordCount: Produce a listing of all words that appear in all documents, each with a count of frequency, sorted by frequency.
  • Bigrams: Produce a listing of the top ten bi-grams (pair of adjacent words) in the dataset.
  • InvertedIndex: For each word encountered, produce a list of all hosts in which the word occurs.
  • Out-Links: For each host, produce a unique list of hosts that it links to.
  • InLinks: For each host, produce a unique list of hosts that link TO it.
  • NDegrees: Produce a listing of all hosts 1 hop from Then, produce a listing for 2 hops, 3 hops, and so forth, until the result converges.
  • Helps run the Hadoop commands associated with the above programs. See below for more details.

Programs and Outputs

Word Count

To Run

-- Using the provided shell script
$ ./ WordCount

-- Running it on your own
$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar -files, -input /users/jquinn13/Words -output /users/jquinn13/WordCount -mapper -reducer

Example Output

the 202466
and 195977
for 79271
var 52680
with  31424
this  30190
more  29278
your  27984
you 27554
new 26347


To Run

-- Using the provided shell script
$ ./ Bigrams

-- Running it on your own
$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar -files, -input /users/jquinn13/Words -output /users/jquinn13/Bigrams -mapper -reducer

Example Output

var:var 10548
and:the 10281
and:screen  9414
for:the 8596
learn:more  6992
and:and 6668
more:read 6130
solid:solid 6009
all:and 5931
the:university  5189

Inverted Index