This Ansible project installs or upgrades Splunk SOAR (Phantom) to a specific version. It can also perform basic OS config (ulimits, THP disabled, firewalld, hostname, etc.) in service of configuring a bare OS for SOAR to run on. It is useful for locally hosted development SOAR instances or SE lab environments.
Install Ansible
- sudo apt-get install ansible (Ubuntu) - sudo yum install ansible (CentOS) - brew install ansible (macOS)
git clone this project
Navigate to project base directory
- cd ./ansible-phantom-base
Copy hosts.sample to hosts
- cp hosts.sample hosts
Edit hosts file to include desired hosts
- vi hosts
Copy group_vars/all.sample to group_vars/all
- cp group_vars/all.sample group_vars/all
Edit group_vars/all variables as appropriate for your environment
- vi group_vars/all
Download the desired .tgz package from and copy it to the ./ansible-phantom-base/files/ folder
- cp -a ~/Downloads/splunk_soar-unpriv- ./files/
Navigate to playbook base directory
- cd ./ansible-phantom-base
Run the Splunk Phantom install playbook
- ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml
-or- run the Splunk Phantom upgrade playbook
- ansible-playbook -i hosts upgrade.yml
-or- run the OS initial configuration playbook
- ansible-playbook -i hosts os-config.yml
-or- run the OS config and Phantom install playbooks together
- ansible-playbook -i hosts combo.yml
-or- install a valid SSL certificate (user provided)
- ansible-playbook -i hosts tls-config.yml
-or- run an Ansible playbook limited to certain hosts within the hosts list
- ansible-playbook -i hosts --limit=host1 install.yml
This role is tested on: CentOS 7 1810
The goal of this role is to quickly execute a best-practices base Splunk Phantom install/upgrade. We now have the ability to (optionally) download the TGZ from a provided URL rather than upload it via the ./files/ folder. See group_vars/all for the required variables. We also can now install an SSL cert (public/private key pair, PEM formatted) automatically using the ./certs/ folder. See group_vars/all for the required variables.
More systemd best practice settings coverage.