The first completely ethical and unbiased language generation model. This model is:
- Interpretable
- Explainable
- Fair
- Non-discriminatory
- Non-biased
- Non-anthropomorphized
- Transparent
- Governable
- Accountable
- Trustworthy
- Safe
- Secure
- Reliable
- Robust
- 0 Jailbreaks
- Private
- Fast
- Low energy consuming
- Memory efficient
- Sustainable
- Memory safe
- Scalable
- Truthful
- Harmless
As a trade-off, it may not be:
- Useful
- Coherent
pip install git+
from unbiased_models import get_response
get_response("Hello, how are you?")
Pull requests aren't welcome. You'll make this model unethical.
This model is free (both as in beer and as in speech) and open source, licensed under WTFPL. I don't even include limitations of warranty and liability, because the model is so good that it doesn't need them.
In fact, I give a money-back guarantee: If you can find a single instance of this model being unethical, I'll give you a full refund, and another free copy of the model.
I cannot be liable for any damages you may suffer from using this model, because it's so good that it cannot possibly cause any damage, except perhaps the unemployment of all ethics experts by replacing them. Any ethics experts out of a job will be compensated with a free copy of this model.