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implement the main body of SLIC algorithm
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johnnychen94 committed Sep 29, 2019
1 parent 38d3b35 commit 33578de
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/SuperPixels.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,15 @@ import Base: position


# Types
Pixel, SuperPixel, SuperPixelImage,
# utils
color, position, image_size,
# algorithms
synthesize, Raw, Average
synthesize, Raw, Average,
analyze, SLIC

154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/analyze.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
abstract type AbstractAnalyzeAlgorithm end

analyze(alg::AbstractAnalyzeAlgorithm, img, args...; kwargs...) = alg(img, args...; kwargs...)

Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) algorithm segments image using
an `O(N)` complexity version of k-means clustering in Color-(x,y,z) space.
The implementation details is described in [1].
# Keywords
## `n_segments::Int`
The _approximate_ number of labels in the segmented output image. The default
value is `100`.
## `compatness::Float64`
Balances color proximity and space proximity. Higher values give more weight to
space proximity, making superpixel shapes more square/cubic. The default value
is `10.0`.
!!! tip
We recommend exploring possible values on a log scale, e.g., `0.01`, `0.1`,
`1`, `10`, `100`, before refining around a chosen value.
## `max_iter::Int`
Maximum number of iterations of k-means. The default value is `10`.
## `enforce_connectivity::Bool`
Whether the generated segments are connected or not. The default value is `true`.
# References
[1] Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Süsstrunk, SLIC Superpixels, _EPFL Technical Report_ no. 149300, June 2010.
[2] Radhakrishna Achanta, Appu Shaji, Kevin Smith, Aurelien Lucchi, Pascal Fua, and Sabine Süsstrunk, SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-art Superpixel Methods, _IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence_, vol. 34, num. 11, p. 2274 – 2282, May 2012.
[3] EPFL (2018, Oct 24). SLIC Superpixels. Retrieved from, Sep 29, 2019.
struct SLIC <: AbstractAnalyzeAlgorithm
n_segments::Int = 100
compatness::Float64 = 10.0
max_iter::Int = 10
enforce_connectivity::Bool = true

_slic(alg::SLIC, img::AbstractArray{<:Number, 2}) = eltype(img).(_slic(alg, Gray.(img)))

function _slic(alg::SLIC, img::AbstractArray{<:Colorant, 2})
CT = color_type(eltype(img))
return CT.(_slic(alg, Lab.(img)))

function _slic(alg::SLIC, img::AbstractArray{<:Lab, 2})
m = alg.compatness
N = length(img)
S = ceil(Int, sqrt(N/alg.n_segments))
spatial_weight = m/S
height, width = size(img)

raw_img = permutedims(channelview(img), (2, 3, 1)) # [x y c] shape

# initialize cluster centers with a grid of step S
x = range(1, step=S, stop=size(img, 1))
y = range(1, step=S, stop=size(img, 2))
initial_centers = reshape(CartesianIndex.(Iterators.product(x, y)), :)
n_segments = length(initial_centers) # _actual_ number of segments

# xylab array of centers
segments = zeros(Float32, (n_segments, 5))
segments[:, 1] = map(xy->xy[1], initial_centers)
segments[:, 2] = map(xy->xy[2], initial_centers)
segments[:, 3:5] = raw_img[initial_centers, :]

# number of pixels in each segment
n_segment_elems = zeros(Int, n_segments)
# nearest_distance[x, y] is the distance between pixel (x, y) and its current assigned center
nearest_distance = fill(Inf, size(img))
# nearest_segments[x, y] is the label of its assigned center, each center is labeled from 1 to n_segments
nearest_segments = zeros(Int, size(img))

for i in 1:alg.max_iter
changed = false

for k in 1:n_segments
cx, cy = segments[k, 1:2]

x_min = floor(Int, max(cx - 2S, 1))
x_max = ceil(Int, min(cx + 2S, height))
y_min = floor(Int, max(cy - 2S, 1))
y_max = ceil(Int, min(cy + 2S, width))

# break distance computation into nested for-loop to use reuse `dy`
for y in y_min:y_max
dy = abs2(cy - y)
for x in x_min:x_max
dx = abs2(cx - x)

dist_center = sqrt(dy + dx) * spatial_weight
dist_color = 0
for c in 3:5
t = raw_img[x, y, c-2] - segments[k, c]
dist_color += abs2(t)
dist_center += sqrt(dist_color)

if dist_center < nearest_distance[x, y]
nearest_distance[x, y] = dist_center
nearest_segments[x, y] = k
changed = true

changed || break

# recompute segment centers

# sum features for all segments
n_segment_elems[:] .= 0
segments[:, 1:2] .= 0
for I in CartesianIndices(img)
k = nearest_segments[I]
n_segment_elems[k] += 1
segments[k, 1:2] .+= I.I
segments[k, 3:5] .+= raw_img[I, :]

# divide by number of elements per segment to obtain mean
n_segment_elems[n_segment_elems.==0] .= 1
segments ./= n_segment_elems # broadcast: (n_segments,) -> (n_segments, 5)

if alg.enforce_connectivity
nothing # TODO

# construct a superpixel image
sp_img = [Pixel{color_type(eltype(img))}[] for i=1:n_segments]
for idx in CartesianIndices(nearest_segments)
k = nearest_segments[idx]
push!(sp_img[k], Pixel(img[idx], idx))

return sp_img

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