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@johnnymillergh johnnymillergh released this 16 Jul 17:54

0.0.2 (2021-07-16)

Bug Fixes

  • $auth-center: read nested JSON object as Java
    object (af101b2)
  • $MyBatis: correct interceptors
    order (3647951)
  • $POM: add test
    dependency (401587d)

Build System

  • $OpenJDK: update Adopt OpenJDK version to
    x86_64-alpine-jre-11.0.10_9 (84d737a)
  • $Redis: update redis.conf for redis
    6.0.10 (e522c12)

Code Refactoring

  • $Docker: abstract Docker environment variables and common
    constants (8cc6a36)
  • $muscle-and-fitness-server: enhance validation - @notempty ->
    @notblank (b4150f1)
  • $service-registry: remove
    module service-registry (61bc7cb)
  • $Starter: rename spring-boot
    to spring-cloud (2529e45)


  • $api-gateway: set HTTP header "
    X-Username" (d83fe38)
  • $api-gateway: support request rate
    limit (c0dc896)
  • $APIGateway: add global exception
    handler (7bb6ffa)
  • $AuthCenter: access other service by
    RestTemplate (f8df08c)
  • $AuthCenter: add API for getting service
    info (c0b00f3)
  • $AuthCenter: add logout
    API (66c6717)
  • $AuthCenter: enable Redis
    cache (6c14c7b)
  • $AuthCenter: expose login
    API (fe3f211)
  • $AuthCenter: get services
    info (97aadce)
  • $AuthCenter: support admin
    authorization (6e87a2e)
  • $Authorization: enhance authorization flow - check HTTP
    method (01a50de)
  • $Consul: enable Consul config
    center (9887360)
  • $Consul: support Consul; abandon Netflix
    Eureka (abc1cf8)
  • $ELK: integrate ELK
    stack (a42e87a)
  • $Excel: add abstract excel import
    class (901edbd)
  • $gateway: complete authentication
    flow (b0a91e0)
  • $gateway: integrate Spring
    Security (f092c6b)
  • $gateway: make Swagger and Spring Security work
    together (c2c4721)
  • $Gateway: add reactive openfeign
    support (f0b7567)
  • $Gateway: add reactive Redis
    support (2307c71)
  • $Gateway: implement non-block
    authorization (b94944d)
  • $Gateway: support ignored URL for WebFlux
    security (efb83ad)
  • $Jackson: add DateTime
    serializer (69548c4)
  • $Java: handle LocalDateTime, LocalDate and
    LocalTime (778e152)
  • $Minio: upload resource to
    Minio (3dc2dc0)
  • $MinIO: integrate
    MinIO (4db17c0)
  • $Pagination: abstract page response
    bean (28928b8)
  • $Quartz: add greeting Quartz
    job (7993f40)
  • $Quartz: integrate
    spring-boot-starter-quartz (5a6d71d)
  • $RabbitMQ: add RabbitMQ Docker
    container (414880d)
  • $Starter: abstract startup
    analysis (0802aa2)
  • $Starter: add (629e066)
  • $Starter: integrate
    RabbitMQ (9022f77)
  • $Starter: intercept SQL
    exceptions (9f5a16f)
  • $Starter: provide exposing HTTP
    resources (4f2ebdc)
  • $Starter: support generating recursive
    tree (624e5ab)
  • $static-resource-center: get resource from
    Minio (da01f3c)
  • $static-resource-center: support partial
    response (7ddf6a9)
  • $STOMP: support STOMP over
    WebSocket (be76707)
  • $Validation: support Date and LocalDateTime range
    validation (f9898be)
  • $Validation: support date time range value
    validation (96c8b83)
  • $Validation: support enum value
    validation (0951f97)

Performance Improvements

  • $api-gateway: refine exception
    handling (b5e1340)
  • $api-gateway: refine slf4j
    Logger (af590f5)
  • $ApiGateway: capture
    FeignException (c9cdee4)
  • $auth-center: cache role info by user
    id (e9d935b)
  • $auth-center: cache user info by login
    token (2bc9115)
  • $auth-center: reduce injected
    dependencies (a12f130)
  • $DataSource: reduce instances of data
    source (581ac97)
  • $Docker: update container
    dependencies (aca40f6)
  • $ELK: disable
    ELK (ecdb3e2)
  • $Excel: make maximumRowCount
    configurable (8865ead)
  • $Java: migrate java.util.Date to
    java.time.LocalDateTime (a354070)
  • $Knife4j: roll back to
    2.0.8 (3c0ce61)
  • $maf-mis: merge micro services as '
    maf-mis' (7d7284c)
  • $MySQL: Docker supports MySQL cluster based on binary
    log (bab526a)
  • $MySQL: MySQL connection
    retry (b076feb)
  • $MySQL: reduce unnecessary replicate
    db (3976af1)
  • $MySQL: simplify MySQL configuration for
    docker-compose (7f4a017)
  • $MySQL: support auto start
    replication (a52619c)
  • $POM: reduce useless
    dependencies (447e072)
  • $POM: update
    dependencies (9ef9708)
  • $POM: update Spring Boot Admin version to
    2.4.3 (ad04895)
  • $POM: update Spring Cloud version to
    2020.0.2 (bc2241f)
  • $Spring: refine CORS
    configuration (cbb9c7c)
  • $spring-boot-admin: exclude unnecessary
    dependencies (305e12b)
  • $SpringCloud: update version to
    2020.0.3 (010e2c3)
  • $starter: define the order of controller
    advice (34706c9)
  • $starter: improve Access Specifier Manipulation
    issue (435ea3b)
  • $Starter: dynamic MinIO
    client (7d030a3)
  • $Starter: dynamic SFTP
    client (4c37cc4)
  • $Starter: enable Okhttp for
    OpenFeign (0aec942)
  • $Starter: support switching dynamic data source on runtime based on
    SQL (7dbcfc9)
  • $Swagger: correct Swagger
    switch (7804da0)
  • $WebSocket: use RabbitMQ STOMP as message
    broker (c666ba7)
  • update
    dependencies (6f55581)
  • $api-gateway: add IP key resolver for request rate
    limiter (ac7aabc)
  • $api-gateway: pass rate limiter configuration
    dynamically (0bd97b0)
  • $api-gateway: set Swagger ignored URL on
    Consul (699dd0a)
  • $ApiGateway: enhance global exception
    handler (0d3f265)
  • $ApiGateway: handle service not available
    exception (235bcb8)
  • $ApiGateway: remove JJWT
    dependencies (50c0597)
  • $ApiGateway: rename module Gateway
    to API Gateway (c367ca3)
  • $ApiGateway: shorten module
    name (9d7e759)
  • $ApiGateway: use lombok val
    annotation (aec0662)
  • $APIGateway: handle
    WebClientResponseException (8c4cd5a)
  • $APIGateway: refine remote API
    calling (4f5a20d)
  • $APIGateway: simplify global exception
    error (ff82751)
  • $auth-center: add PermissionTypeList for remote
    API (6928368)
  • $auth-center: configure ignored
    service (78c069b)
  • $auth-center: refine API
    parameter (b5b5346)
  • $AuthCenter: customize
    RedisTemplate (22c9cfb)
  • $AuthCenter: refine null check for getting service
    info (fc363fe)
  • $CMD: check Java major version before running
    service (0d06475)
  • $Common: remove useless
    dependencies (1df12c5)
  • $Consul: deregister service when
    unavailable (d36aac3)
  • $Database: abstract MyBatis Plus configuration; delete Druid
    configuration (e88b4d6)
  • $Database: update data source
    configuration (d343369)
  • $Docker: restrict container
    dependencies (67c968d)
  • $Docker: simplify docker compose by using environment
    variables (3216a95)
  • $Docker: specify Docker container
    tags (e416c2c)
  • $Docker: support Docker health
    check (7a2ce2b)
  • $Docker: update volume mapping for
    openzipkin/zipkin-cassandra (abb784f)
  • $Druid: migrate to druid-spring-boot-starter
    1.2.4 (0a7ca5e)
  • $ELK: enable elasticsearch
    security (bbe59a9)
  • $Excel: make variable declare as var and
    val (e07452b)
  • $Excel: translate into
    English (60f8cd1)
  • $Exception: refine global exception
    handling (dae962b)
  • $Gateway: capture
    SecurityException (77d6d34)
  • $Gateway: dynamic web security
    switch (b5f4333)
  • $Gateway: reduce unnecessary
    log (7ba75c3)
  • $Gateway: refine access
    log (281a958)
  • $Gateway: refine RBAC
    process (fed3ea7)
  • $IO: use buffered IO stream to reduce IO
    times (f6c32ee)
  • $JVM: increase JVM heap memory; dump heap on OOM
    error (45c528b)
  • $Log: enhance web request log
    format (a359d07)
  • $LOGBack: log file contains
    HOSTNAME (60b2b73)
  • $LOGBack: set container
    hostname (ac3c130)
  • $LOGBack: set log file by
    ${} (ec01c8c)
  • $muscle-and-fitness-server: define basePackage by groupId; devtools
    switch (e8a86b1)
  • $muscle-and-fitness-server: update
    dependencies (e67a840)
  • $MyBatis: field auto
    fill (6497bcc)
  • $MyBatisPlus: enable logic
    delete (e48fafa)
  • $MyBatisPlus: update
    interceptors (9e3ce5c)
  • $OpenJDK: migrate to
    adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 (9b65893)
  • $ORM: migrate ORM library to
    spring-boot-starter (0e66476)
  • $ORM: migrate Redis library to
    spring-boot-starter (7af0ccc)
  • $ORM: migrate sftp-integration to
    spring-boot-starter (c860ffa)
  • $POI: close workbook when destroying locale
    context (ebebd3e)
  • $POI: update Apache POI version to
    5.0.0 (7b60af5)
  • $POI: update Druid version to
    1.2.5 (1c1a033)
  • $POM: flatten parent
    dependencies (e69537a)
  • $POM: refine dependency
    structure (d82c393)
  • $POM: update cn.hutool:hutool-all:
    5.5.7 (e7f2193)
  • $POM: update Hutool version to
    5.5.8 (7288bc2)
  • $POM: update hutool-all to
    5.5.4 (e38a37c)
  • $POM: update mybatis-plus version to
    3.4.2 (1eeefcc)
    closes /
  • $POM: update Spring Boot version to
    2.3.8.RELEASE (bc21a41)
  • $POM: update Spring Boot version to
    2.4.3 (b955e61)
  • $POM: update Spring Cloud to
    Hoxton.SR9 (9ab311b)
  • $RabbitMQ: add RabbitMQ health check; set container
    dependencies (660bf49)
    closes /
  • $RabbitMQ: make JSON message converter as
    default (1b9bb6d)
  • $ReactiveStarter: abstract access log
    filter (d29ba21)
  • $ReactiveStarter: abstract
    beans (8d1f040)
  • $ReactiveStarter: abstract project
    property (aafac56)
  • $ReactiveStarter: refine
    dependencies (f8905bb)
  • $ReactiveStarter: set HTTP header as
    application/json (886124a)
  • $ReactiveStarter: set the order of access log filter as
    -500 (1cb0600)
  • $Security: enhance authentication
    process (c897611)
  • $Sleuth: add
    dependency spring-cloud-starter-sleuth (8aba675)
  • $SpringBoot: enable shutdown
    gracefully (6360027)
  • $SpringBootAdmin: don't check Consul service
    health (e5c8a3d)
  • $SpringCloud: update Spring Cloud version to
    2020.0.0 (18f5843)
  • $SpringCloud: update Spring Cloud version to
    2020.0.1 (36ecc33)
  • $Starter: abstract common controller and
    service (3ab8943)
  • $Starter: abstract (e22ca36)
  • $Starter: abstract project
    property (b6996c8)
  • $Starter: abstract Redis
    configuration (9687151)
  • $Starter: abstract rest template
    configuration (07dfbff)
  • $Starter: abstract SFTP and web security
    configuration (3306ec4)
  • $Starter: abstract Swagger 2
    configuration (5ae8a56)
  • $Starter: abstract swagger
    configuration (2d27aef)
  • $Starter: dynamically init
    bean WebRequestLogAspect (e3176ad)
  • $Starter: enable Spring Boot async
    task (418fc43)
  • $Starter: enhance message
    format (be3cc41)
  • $Starter: migrate static web resources to
    spring-boot-starter (83ff9eb)
  • $Starter: reduce unnecessary access
    log (7e8a816)
  • $Starter: refine
    dependencies (bd1e5b3)
  • $Starter: refine error
    message (753946c)
  • $Starter: simplify internationalization (
    i18n) (b42bc7b)
  • $Starter: support internationalization (
    i18n) (1c8b38b)
  • $Starter: use lettuce for
    Redis (c40c304)
  • $Swagger: correct Swagger switch
    logic (e72e8de)
  • $Swagger: support service
    filter (f07e0de)
  • $universal-ui: abstract web pages to sub
    module universal-ui (68a34d3)



  • $starter: improve Access Specifier Manipulation issue
  • $IO: improve IO efficiency
  • $OpenJDK: update Docker image from adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:x86_64-alpine-jre-11.0.10_9
  • $Docker: abstract Docker environment variables and common constants

[skip ci]

  • $ELK: aggregate logs from all applications
  • $api-gateway: refactor; update configuration key
  • $CMD: check Java major version before running service

[skip ci]

[skip ci]

  • $Starter: use lettuce for Redis
  • $api-gateway: support request rate limit
  • $Starter: rename spring-boot to spring-cloud

[skip ci]

  • $Docker: simplify docker compose by using environment variables
  • $Consul: enable Consul config center
  • $service-registry: remove module service-registry

[skip ci]

  • $Consul: support Consul; abandon Netflix Eureka
  • $SpringCloud: update Spring framework dependencies: Spring Cloud 2020.0.0, Spring Boot 2.4.2

[skip ci]

  • $Starter: reduce package size by migrating static web resources

[skip ci]

  • $LOGBack: set log file by ${}

[skip ci]

  • $LOGBack: log file contains HOSTNAME

[skip ci]

  • $Redis: update redis.conf for redis 6.0.10

[skip ci]

  • $Authorization: enhanced authorization flow - check HTTP method
  • $Starter: rename MAF Spring Boot Starter package name; set bean injection order
  • $ApiGateway: abandon custom HttpStatus, use unified Spring Web HttpStatus
  • $ApiGateway: remove module API Portal; rename module Gateway to
    API Gateway
  • $ReactiveStarter: abstract access log filter
  • $Starter: reduce unnecessary access log
  • $Gateway: implement non-block authorization
  • $muscle-and-fitness-server: define basePackage by groupId; devtools switch