Initial feature set not complete. Manually config settings.ini to generate grid.
Passpad creates a way for users to pick and store secure pass codes. It uses user-supplied lists of words to create a pseudorandom grid of coordinates that can be separated from the grid and stored elsewhere. Multi-factor passwords for sneakernet.
- Automatically autofills lists to meet grid size requirements
- Added benefit of similar words having multiple coordinates
- Grid scales infinitely in row and column directions
- Store decoding grid separate from encryption value
- Values are easy to decode...even for grandma
- Values are meaningless without context
- Encryption strength as powerful as a one-time-pad
- Using settings file you can recreate deterministic grid
- Modular code separates file manipulation from security portions, allowing for easy porting to another language
- Code only uses standard python libraries for futureproofing
- Several large lists included for testing and generation
- Columns replicate well-known "Excel" grid for easier hunting and finding of values
TODO: Add programming version number
From Diceware: Picking a good passphrase is one of the most important things you can do to preserve the privacy of your computer data and e-mail messages. A passphrase should be:
Known only to you Long enough to be secure Hard to guess – even by someone who knows you well Easy for you to remember Easy for you to type accurately
Compound words work as excellent pass phrase seeds thanks to their length and being easy to remember.
Selected list of most common English words with shorter and contracted words omitted.
Large list consisting of most five letter words in the English language
Character names of GI Joe characters I thought would make an interesting seed list
List of common names in the English language
List of all possible answers in the original Wordle source code
Original list of words used in the XKCD thing explainer editor
Biometric word list used for communicating data over clear channels:
List of US places with 5 or more characters:
100,000+ words from the Scrabble first edition (5+ letters)