ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 defines two-letter country codes which are used most prominently for the Internet's country code top-level domains (with a few exceptions).
This repository contains 248 country flag SVG icons as shown in the following sheet:
You can build the above icon sheet with different icon styles using the templates in the build directory: none, flat, simple, fancy, glossy:
Simply type
$ make
to build PNG versions of the country flags contained in this collection. This will create about 320MB of data: none, flat, simple, fancy, glossy template based PNG files with the following resolutions:
512x512 256x256 128x128 96x96 72x72 64x64 48x48 36x36 32x32 24x24 16x16 – ratio 1:1
1280x960 640x480 320x240 160x120 80x60 40x30 20x15 – ratio 4:3
For example the results with the template "flat" applied to the "United States" country flag icon looks like follows:
$ make help
to see all build targets.
Country flags icon sheets - type
$ make sheets
. -
WebGL Earth - ISO country flags.
. Open the live demo in your web browser. This demo uses a slightly modified iso-3166-1.json file (with an added "var data = " string) an the WebGL Earth API.
Google Maps - G+ users of the world - PicasaWeb album:
Notice: you first have to zoom out to see anything on the world map (it seems, that there is a bug in Google Maps, which prevents to show the country icons).
Xplanet - howto generate xplanet marker config files:
Notice: go to the Wiki. for howto generate xplanet marker config files. Run the following command to generate all the xplanet marker config files:
$ make xplanet
, a shortcut for the command:$ scripts/ --cmd example xplanet --json iso-3166-1.json --out build --res 16x16 --lang all
For converting the SVG files to the PNG format using different templates, you need to install the following software packages:
- Perl modules: XML::LibXML, JSON
- Inkscape
- ImageMagick
- pngcrush
- optipng
On Debian/Ubuntu you can install these packages with the following command:
$ sudo apt-get -y install libxml-libxml-perl libjson-perl inkscape imagemagick pngcrush optipng
If you want to build your own icon sets with the same templates used for the flags here, you just create a folder under svg/, and drop your SVG files in there. Run make to (re-)generate the output.
Country flag examples use a surface area of 512x512 (1:1) and 640x480 (4:3), so be sure to keep the 1:1 or 4:3 ratios for best results.
See Related in the Wiki.
You can browse issues related to iso-country-flags-svg-collection to see, what's being worked on.
Most of the country flag icons are licensed under the Public Domain.