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Spotify-style album arts

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@jojo2357 jojo2357 released this 07 Apr 00:21
· 12 commits to master since this release

Yes indeed, the rumors are true! With the biggest update to MDRP ever I am so excited to announce that MDRP has made some huge strides in the quest to mimic Spotify's native DRP


  • New readme
  • Now there are settings that will enable MDRP to find the album art online, and use it as the big image.
  • Updated the libraries so you need to copy those over, no more just copying in the new exe.
  • When MDRP finds an image online, it will key that album with that image (optional) so that you dont have to do anything!
  • New album art keying format:
*=* //this enables this file to be for all players
id=default //use the default id for every player
Album Title==<url to online image>==Artist Name


*=music.ui,spotify,apple music //this enables this file for groove, spotify, and apple music
id=12345 //use app with id #12345 for each player (so you could use Music instead of Groove Music)
Album Title==<url to online image>==Artist Name

are supported. Note that all past keying schemas and dat files will still work.