A control to help us put labels in photo,like in and nice.
- Call configTipLabelWithBackgroundImage: to config your label's background image.
- Call TipLabelWithText: tipImage: direction: editModel: to create a instance.
- If you want a new label with different background image,you can call TipLabelWithText: tipImage: backgroundImage: direction: editModel:,it will not break the common setting of the background.
- If you set editModel to NO,the label's gestures like drag,long press and tap will be disabled.
- Do not forget to make your background image can be resized in a correct way to adapt the different width of the label.
- Call addTipLabelToView: tipX: tipY:
- The first parameter is the view to add to,it can be a UIImageView for example.
- tipX and tipY is something like this : tipX = whitePoint.center.x/originImage.size.width,it is designed to adapt differenet width/height.
- Here is a complete example:
// config the background for once
[ImageTipLabel configTipLabelWithBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"tip_text_bg"]];
// after config the background, you just need to call TipLabelWithText: tipImage: direction: editModel: if you do not want to get a label with different background
ImageTipLabel *label1 = [ImageTipLabel TipLabelWithText:@"jokefaker" tipImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"tip_type_label"] direction:ImageTipLabelDirectionLeft editModel:YES];
[label1 addTipLabelToView:self.view tipX:0.3123 tipY:0.3];
// set editModel to no to disable dragging and other gestures
ImageTipLabel *label2 = [ImageTipLabel TipLabelWithText:@"233333333333333333" tipImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"tip_type_label"] direction:ImageTipLabelDirectionRight editModel:NO];
[label2 addTipLabelToView:self.view tipX:0.3 tipY:0.7];
NSLog(@"%f %f", label1.tipX, label1.tipY);
NSLog(@"%f %f", label2.tipX, label2.tipY);
ARC && iOS 7
- drag
- long press to delete
- tap to change direction
- input/output the scale in superview
- custom tip image and background
- contentview inset
- little white point's animation